
the mystery of how nobody knows anything about anyone else on, i think it's kind of fun.

i find myself looking through people's worlds, trying to find out more about them, everyone is so mysterious.

i'm quite the american i suppose, all of us seem to be bursting at the seams to know all about everyone we meet. (half of my mystique is gone, you know what country i'm from)

it is interesting to hear what people think of americans, i always hear people mention things that, to me, seem really normal, that they find weird. an example? umm, well, i can't think of one at the moment. i guess none of us think that we personally are weird.

soo, not like anyone would ever want to read about my life (except for me, i will reread this later, maybe delete it to regain my mystery) but, i had the day off. i ate spicy pasta and read some manga. (did homework)

and i drew a picture of black jack. i'm happy with it.

ok, goodbye for tonight, then.
