tagged again the fourth one

again(by arcticwolf), they're would be a fifith but i actually had a choice so, mehh

1) i think that mean preps need to get punched in the face
2) i love yaoi
3) i love the band PARAMORE
4) I once fell asleep on the couch watching MTV, and when i woke up the music video 'Get silly" was on (i thought I was having sorta a weird dream)
5) I tried mochi and it was very hard to swallow (my mom was crackn' up as i tried to eat it)
6) a cat had me trapped in the bathroom for about a half an hour util my mom came to get me (and the bad thing about it was that i was about 11 or 12 when this happened, ask if you may)
7) i had an account on Tokyopop but i stoped using it after they changed it (my computer would slow down on it)(my username was 13Sasukelovesong)
8) i have 2 plushes (naru-chan & fluffy-sama)

laugh and you're tagged

and here's a list of people who i just wanna Tag
-red kie
*bleach laugh*
