well halloween in school(well the day that school was close to around halloween)
but yeah i borrowed my friend's Tobi Cosplay...
i. am. not. kidding.

and it was soo much fun cause i just ran around like an idiot soo much that day...and ran into walls...and doors...sadly enough i have a cut that i got yesterday from banging my hand on a door thingie
its healling but

umm yeah soo me purplekittyartist(british chimesweep) and twilight luna(kairi in her school girl outfit) dressed up
im mad tho cause one of my friends were gonna dress up as Link from Legend of Zelda but the costume dyed wrong D:
so boooo!!
but hey i got to walk around in the tobi costume
i made someone go WTF in the library
story time
me and a friend were walking inback of the library(its normal at my school to do this) and this kid was yawning not paying attention and well
i started dancing until he looked over..and he was just
and then i ran off in a crazy way
true story..
it was funnier cause after that we ran into the principal and he laughed and asked what i was....(im just happy he didnt tell me to take the stuff off)

and another story. soo before i went to lunch i went to my english class to say "hey teach im not gonna be in class later
soo i knock on the door with the mask on and when my teacher comes to the door i say "Trick or Treat" and he goes back in the room and gets candy and gives it to me...i laughed soo hard XDDD
but umm then i got questions about what i was (from his class that period) about what i was XDD

still fun cause some people did actually yell "OH MY GOD YOUR TOBI!"
and i replied with "tobi is a good boy" or a finger point to my face and a head tilt

but umm fun day and well heres a video of what happened

