In a daze(my free verse poem)

please comment on this poem I did for english

In a class of conversations, laughs and smiles
One person is out of place
He has the face of a loner
blank, Emotionless, cold and lonely
He looks at the clock hoping it speeds up
His Eyes are so they’re different its like comparing reality to dreams
His hands on his desk stay still like a statue
He stares out the window lost in thought
His mind wondering in a daze
People nervously try to talk to him
He answers in a tone that it would scare even the toughest gangs
The thoughts he thinks are a mystery to those around him
The time runs by as he stares out that window
The problems on the board are invisible to him
The loud noise class is like the sound of torment to him
The clock ticks away as he waits for the torment of time to end
When the bell rings he slugs out the class of torment
His sluggish walking becomes a walk of courage
Nothing like the sluggish walk he walked before
His eyes so different from his stare in that class
He dazed stare is gone like the tone of his speaking
The thoughts he thinks are clear like the sky he stared at once before
