OMG WOrld civ is weird

MY world civ. teaher is CRAZY
some guys in my class were talking crap about the teacher
(will)"hah mr.Tasher *made up name* is so old"
(kyle)"he is so weak and old"
(Mr.tasher)"I told you I hurt my foot playing basketball"
(kyle)"hah like you could play basketball I mean you're so short"
(will)"old, short and weak"
(Kyle2)"mr tasher is weak"
(mr.tasher)"kyle you were backdown on the ground yesterday"
(Kyle2)"I was going to do a backflip and kick you!!"
(kyle)"yeah right kyle you lost to an old man"
(pat)"ok let's move the desk then see who's tougher"
(kyle)"haha like tasher would win "
(tasher)"kyle2 I could throw your 5'1 80 pounds across this class room"
(kyle2)"fine go ahead and try"
(tasher)"fine then come up here"
*kyle2 walks up and mr. tasher picks kyle2 up like a wrestler would*
and one kyle shut up in class that day
and the otakuneko cryed laughing in class that day
this is sora *i hate his hair* I can't draw it
