A Negative Dream

Ladies and gentlemen, Styx.

Just thought I'd take a few minutes to share something with everyone. Last night I had kind of a bad dream. I won't say what it's about, since most of it was kind of a blur and I hardly remember a lot of it. But basically my subconscious was pretty much getting down on me. One thing I've realized about myself is that I'm pretty much my hardest judge, and apparently that's even true when I'm asleep. So when this kind of thing happens, I try to think about the progress I've made in life so far and all the good things I've accomplished. And doing that usually makes me feel better. So I just thought I'd share that little tip for anyone else here on TheO who gets down on himself or herself every now and than.

So aside from that, there isn't really much to report. My current Digimon fanfic is still being ignored. Another annoying thing that's been going on lately is that there's been some banner ad showing up here on TheO that just causes my browser to freeze up. I don't know if it's simply because my computer is a tiny bit old or what. Has anyone else been having the same problem?

Anyway, that's pretty much it for this post. Until next time.
