fic_2 18-20

fic _2 18
time to go home at last

Ai: i guess you ate before take-off this airline doesn't offer so much as free peanuts and ice water anymore and everything offered is too expensive

Shin: we did
Ren: yes.
Ai: except you -looks over to Ryouga-
you left without eating anything

-over the intercom- passengers please fasten your seatbelts
Ai: well this is going to be a long couple of hours.......

-a few hours in-
Ryouga: .................... -growl-
Ren: i suggest just sleeping the rest of the way
Ryouga: how if i can't sleep....?
Ren: it won't be so bad believe me -smile-

so he slept at first it was hard
with his belly rumbling every so often
then he fell asleep
and woke up ten minutes from arriving at Narita

upon picking up their luggage
they stopped by the nearest 7-11

would be yakuza every so often would rob people coming out
the police couldn't do anything without suspects

this time they messed with the wrong person

would be yakuza leader: hey girlie hand over any money you got

Ai: uh who are you?

would be yakuza leader: i'm boss of the red dragons

Ryouga: are you the one robbing people?

would be yakuza leader: sure am!
Ai: police should be interested in this pic.....

Ai: uh Ryouga can you fight because it looks like we have one on our hands...

Ryouga: yeah.

Ai: good. i hear the reward is considerable for any info brought in

yakuza leader: -pulls a knife- like i'm gonna let you go alive

he makes a stab at Ryouga and misses he goes at him again and again missing each time until....... he manages to nail him in the side (!!!)

Ryouga: Ah!

the wound was not serious but it hurt to breathe and moving sent searing pain shooting up his side

seeing him hurt it unlocked Ai's hidden power

Ai inherited a unlockable ability to totally kick ass
only when she needed it though

Ai: -doing a number on the yakuza leader-

but she was still inexperianced using it....

the yakuza boss dodged her blow and stabbed her a few inches above her bellybutton

Ai: damn...
police rolled up and swamped him handcuffing him

cop: the store owner called us thank you for detaining him

pain overwhelmed her and Ai sank to her knees hugging her wound blood dripping on her arm

Ryouga: she needs help!

cop: you both do i'll have an ambulance come take you to the hospital
fic_2 19
after being checked out at the hospital they both went home
[for some reason Reno and Ryouga share a house but both are straight]

Reno: you ok? i heard what happened...
Ryouga: yeah. i'm going to sleep

a little while later Ai comes over

Ai: shh don't tell him i'm here.
Reno: he's asleep
Ai: well in that case let's not wake him up
Reno: ok.

while walking to the bedroom

Reno: you got hurt too i heard....
Ai: yeah it was a deeper wound but the doctor said it'd heal just fine
Reno: still asleep....

Ai climbs into his bed but he doesn't wake up
Reno: ok i'll leave you two be

listening to the sound of his rhythmic breathing
she can't suppress a smile pressing her forehead against his

Ryouga: nnn.... oh!
Ai: good evening sleep well?
Ryouga: yes i did
Ai: i bet you're hungry Reno said you went to bed immediately when you got home
-heads off to kitchen- -finds instant ramen-
Ryouga: don't want any?
Ai: no......... i've got butterflies
Ryouga: because i'm here? -kiss her neck-
Ai: ..............
Ryouga: oh got a new piercing? -points to her bellybutton piercing-
Ai: yes
-he lifts it up to get a better look-

-putting his hands on her hips-
Ryouga: you're a little hot
Ryouga: i can feel the heat off of you
are you sure it's not a fever
Ai: i'm fine
Ryouga: then you got hot because of my presence
Ai: ...........
Ryouga: i think that's what it is
he noticed her gaze
Ryouga: oh does the sight of me make you hot?
Ai: -blush-
Ryouga: i'll take that as yes
gently lifting her head with his hand he looks into her eyes

Reno had returned

Ryouga kisses her just as Reno walks in
when they realise that he just saw both blushed
fic_2 20
Reno: uhh...... oh Ai disappeared!

Ryouga: yeah she's still too shy to kiss in front of others -rubs neck-
Reno: i don't know anything to help with that
Ryouga: hmm... i might. -speed dials Ren-

Ren: nnn..... Ah! come over to WT
Ryouga: WT?
Ren: White Tigress it's where i work it has the most wonderful hotspring
Ryouga: ok and?
Ren: and i'll convince Ai to take a dip then you just come on over and join her bring over a few people to join the two of you and this might take care of the problem
Ryouga: alright then.

meanwhile Ai stressed over being seen in such a moment unaware of her mother's plan decided to head over to WT and soak her troubles away

so Ryouga gets his friend Kenzo and got a phone call

Ren: she came her on her own i hope you're ready. have you had the chance to explain things?
Ryouga: yes
Ren: good, ah she's here
Ryouga: so are we.

Ai: ahh mom how did you feel when you and dad kissing was caught by someone else?
Ren: we didn't care
Ai: i'm going to soak my head a while alright?
Ren: that's fine

sinking into the bliss
Ai: ahh.........
joining her
Ryouga: omg i've heard about this place but man this feels good
Ai: what the--?! you scared me!
Ryouga: hnn.... -stands up- i was curious about WT
Ai: R-ryouga sit back down you're n-naked!!
Ryouga: you'll have to get used to it we are adults afterall...

-sinking back down he slides over to her-
Ai: .......................
Ryouga: you must be burning up
-pulls her to his chest-
Ryouga: yeah you are
he licks her neck

it turns her ON
licking her lower lip

meanwhile Kenzo enters the water
Kenzo: [whoa...]

Ryouga: whoa where are you grabbing?
Ai kisses him
Ai: i didn't start this but i'll finish it -licks his upper body-
Kenzo: wow!
Ai: oh hello there.
Kenzo: i'm a friend of Ryouga
Ai: 'k. i'm tired
Ryouga: alright i'm getting out -puts towel on-

Ren: did it work
Ryouga: she didn't mind him being there
Ai comes out in her towel
Ai: ah i knew something was up but thanks fo the help
