fic_2 10 - fic_2 14

fic_2 13

Ai: -wakes up with flu- bus she's never before had one so she doesn't know.

all day at work she suffers aches coughing and general feeling like crap

all day next and the day after she suffers and it gets worse

Ai: -calls home dad answers......- i feel like crap
Ikari: you sound like it too are you ok?
Ai: no...
Ikari: where are you?
Ai: home
Ikari: ok i'll be right over
Ikari: Ai you have the flu!
Ai: oh...
Ikari: ok i'm taking you to the hospital

Doctor: like daughter like mother...
Ikari: she had flu 3 days?
Doctor: yes
Ikari: well she never got sick til now
and Ren never did until we were in a relationship
Doctor: heh coincedence?
Ikari: no fate.

Ai's phone rang

Ikari: 3 missed messages..... beep- hello?
Ryouga: hello Mitsuo-san, is Ai ok?
Ikari: flu.
Ryouga: oh! is she ok?
Ikari: considering waiting 3 days for treatment yes.
Ryouga: i'll be there in a minute.

Ikari: ok i'll leave you two alone.......
Ryouga: Ai?
Ai: i'm ok feverish but fine
Ryouga: flu is not fine -leans in-
Ai: you can't kiss me you'll catch it too
Ryouga: hm well -pulls out phone- txttxt
(  ̄3 ̄) *chu*

Ai: txttxt
(•≧w≦• )♥ *recieve kissu*