fanfic 56

fanfic 56

plot: ren, feeling the judgement of others strives to match what they consider perfection how far would she go?
Nitty Gritty: ren starves herself in order to achieve approval among fans; who think she's just a bit too heavy

she was at a store magazine rack reading the latest WSJ so she decided to buy it and a copy of Shoxx and Zy. then ren overheard several younger girls talking though she had no intention to overhear

did you see Naitomea's Shoxx article?
he has a girlfriend.
i don't think she quite is right for him
it it her looks?
hmm not quite, she looks very nice but she seems to weigh as much as he does!
OMG! but he's about 53 kg that's too heavy for women!
yeah.... well ready to go?

she was frozen in place thoughts raced in her mind

other people think i 'm too heavy?
..............other people aren't biased so this must be their opinion
oh no! what if he thinks i'm too heavy!? what if he finds someone else like me but lighter?
i might lose him over a few pounds! well i can't let that happen!

once home ren decided to just not eat period.

ren: heh boo i will get the excess weight off if i burn more than i eat
then eating nothing and continuing life as normal will get me where i need to be!

checking her weight........she was indeed close to his weight only a few pounds behind at 111 vs. 115
so that night she skipped dinner

the next day Bonez made breakfast but she didn't eat

Bonez: you're not hungry?
ren: oh um i have things to do i'll get something later k'?

a quick bathroom visit to fix her hair and check her progress
ren: hmm ok i guess. 111.2 lbs

while out something came back to her.
ren: ah dammit this weekend is the bbq! i have to go, but i don't wanna waste anything.... where were those stray dogs?
dogs: barkbark!
ren: this weekend stick around i'll have something.

the weekend bbq came and she ate as much as possible sending herself a text and and bidding everyone a good evening
locating the stray dogs jammed a finger down her throat regurgitating her meal. they were grateful for this and voiced their thanks the pair had pups to feed
dog1: much thanks.
dog2: otherwise we wouldn't have anything
ren: glad to help.

the dogs voiced their enjoyment of having food, even this. they were in no position to argue
but ren's stomach which enjoyed being full voiced it's annoyance as pain
the twinge of pain though strong didn't discourage her. and she went home

a few days passed like that she always had a reason to skip meals
and the weight slowly came off now she was nearing 100 lbs
her clothes were quite loose

Hitsugi-kun tried to wrap an arm around her but to his surprise was rebuffed

ren: [not yet i can't let you til i'm ready].....................

Hitsugi-kun: um..... ok...
ren: want a drink?
Hitsugi-kun: um tea.
ren: ok.

getting up ren suddenly felt terribly dizzy but she still walked normally so no suspicion was roused
the next day waking with a blinder of a headache and heading to the scales downstairs was torture
this time the dizziness was stronger and every step made her head hurt even more

today was an off day so when dada passed her on the way and asked what she wanted for breakfast ren just replied with sleep sleep and more sleep. checking the number....
ren: i gained?! i'm goin back to bed!

most of that day she slept. what little energy she had must be reserved for weight checking
at this point they were concerned and that whole week ren just slept even on the tightest hole her belt was useless.

Hitsugi-kun: something's wrong with her.
ai-chan: yeah we know, all she does is sleep
Bonez: she complains of headaches and dizzyness.
at: she says she eats but i doubt that.
Hitsugi-kun: i tried to wrap my arm around her but she pushed me away.

at: hello WT!
at: yes i know her....
at: WHAT!?

Hitsugi-kun: what happened?
at: ren collapsed in front of a store and the owner was watching over her