fanfic omake #23

fanfic omake #23

ren: with a flip of the coin will it be decided.

one one side dada on the other emz with a flick the coin went up and came down and actually spinned... for a bit too long....

ren: -stomps the ground abruptly stopping the spinning-

at: i'm next.

WT phone started to ring
ren: helloo♪

Ruki-san: ok i got the notice.
ren: heh that was quick!
Ruki-san: put her on please?
at: i am on!
Ruki-san: Kyoto?
at: hai! i'll start packing. i 'll be done when you arrive.

Ruki-san arrived rather fast. but...... she couldn't decide on something... peeking out from her room 'i need help on this!'

the other hostesses gather around her door
Bonez: Ruki-san can you stay there?

Ruki-san: um ok.

at: i can't decide which kimono to wear.....i can do the makeup and everything else but....
ren: chrysanthemums over a flowing stream...
at: huh? -looks back over- good health and elegance and a wish for happiness in our lives?............. the chrysanthemums is in my size woman's and the other is a men's.... and it would fit Ruki-san!? did you buy this mens kimono to go with the chrysanthemum one? ren?
ren: ♪... waitin on a woman? i nodded yes and said how about you? son since 1932 i've been waitin on a woman. on our first date i called and i said i'd be there at 8 and she came downstairs at 8:30....♪
at: oh very funny......ok i'll go with your suggestion.... ok Ruki-san i'm ready to go.... it's 8:30? really?
emz: he got here at 8

on the bullet train then a transfer or two over arrival at last the scenic Kyoto!

at: let's stop and eat a specialty is mackrel sushi it might not taste good with tea so umm sake?
Ruki-san: sounds like a plan.

getting a room at a ryokan the two set off using a lot of space on the camera's memory card taking pics of the view

there was only a little time before Gazetto had to return to work a visit to Iwatayama Monkey Park proved amusing

at: monkey mountain?
Ruki-san: japanese snow macaques
at: so who's king of monkey mountain?
Ruki-san: man of course!

a monkey then jumped on his head

at: that one has a crown on it's head!! (laugh) you've been dethroned! (laughs more)

this was it!
heading to a onsen relaxing with tea and dango wearing the kimono
Ruki-san: ah this is what you wanted help with... chrysanthemums and a stream?
at: ren said these would be perfect togeather. she snuck in yours
Ruki-san: hmm she wishes good health and happiness for us.... heh this is the most indirect way possible. a very kind thought ne?
at: too shy to tell us directly i guess.
