[Ramblings of a Tigeress ]

『Ramblings of a Tigeress』02 keep on sending in stuff!

ren: Hey Yo! we're back for another episode tonight! let's get right into it me and Hitsuu-kun came back from our trip, we can discuss that later on.... anyway ai-chan, would you like to get out our topic for today?
ai-chan let's see..... ah! 'discuss your trip ren!'
ren: etooo.... well we get what we get.... this talk might turn explicit so kids be ready to mute the volume!
Bonez: they're not honestly gonna do that....
at: that may very well make them want to listen even more!
ren: ehh anyway....... he decided to take us to puerto rico and let me get this up.....ah see right on the map
anglsu: i don't think they can see it well...
ren: ok ok...... i'll zoom in.... better? oh! we need to announce our guest
Hitsugi-kun: i'm here~!
ren: ah there you are he's not our guest by the way..... similar to our namesake White Tigress: here Kitty Kitty..... Tora-san!
Tora-san: good evening...
ren: so have you ever even seen puerto rico?
Tora-san: no...
Hitsugi-kun: here are some photos on the laptop.....
Tora-san: hmm very beautiful place, it's quite green and lush!
ren: did you know that coconuts are heavier when still green? when they're husked they don't weigh too much but otherwise? dangerous!
Hitsugi-kun: dangerous.
ren: we were.... mmmmm out and about very early morning and it was pitchblack out and while trying to get back to the hotel.....
Hitsugi-kun: there were coconut trees.....
ren: and we ran into them......
Hitsugi-kun: and were almost knocked out by falling coconuts
Tora-san: did you get back ok?
ren: there were close calls but yes. ah on a related note you used to have a piercing?
Tora-san: yes...
at: how is that related to our discussion?
ren: well...
ai-chan: you got one!?
ren: maybe♥
at: seriously??
ren: -smirk-
Hitsugi-kun: it was nice.
Tora-san: and a tattoo too...?
ren: yep both are visible with a single move... behold!
emz: ah! that's cool!
anglsu: they're real gems?
Hitsugi-kun: real!
ren: the official unveiling
Hitsugi-kun: well i did see it over our trip.....
Bonez: ah those are your respective birthstones
at: sure enough diamond and aquamarine...
ai-chan: it's a bit cold in here you're not shivering?
at: she's wearing a high cut belly shirt even in back it's cut that way.....
ren: brrrr.....
Hitsugi-kun: ok i'll fix that.
emz: awww♥
anglsu: won't take long now right! -laughs-
Tora-san: -laughs- laying your hands over her stomach will do the trick i'm sure!
Hitsugi-kun: heh already quite warm!
Tora-san: -laughs-
ren: -sheepish smile-
hostesses: -laugh out loud-
- ♫♪♫ -
Bonez: ah chime we have a viewer request.... ok well well this one says: i know Tora-shi has other tattoos and i am incredibly curious to see.....
ren: hmm well we can't just let this go eh? let's see..... a large should fit hmm.....something with a nice look... ah! there is a room to change ok.
ren: ready?
at: he's not coming out.......
Hitsugi-kun: Tora-san i know from experiance it's better to just come out, this one can easily drag you out by herself
ren:......... eenie meanie miney mo catch a tiger by the toe...... well ok i'll be gentle...
ren: dressed or not here i come
Tora-san: ........................
ren: mmm Hitsugi-kun once had the same problem.... anyway i can lift ya with ridiculous ease
Tora-san: you couldn't possibly....
ren: lift me up i weigh more and i'm almost twice as tall....... yeah we'll see -pokes sides-
Tora-san: -hysterical laughter-
ren: heave ho!
ren: right in front of the camera please♥ [click]
Hitsugi-kun: -whispering- well if it's any comfort i also went through this myself. at least she didn't make you do any moves....
ren: so cool and just a moment...
Tora-san: wait what are ----- -laughs loudly-
ren: 'subject is capable of being eased into situations that are outside his comfort zone....
at: a surprise research day?!
ren: 'subject reacts to tickling stimuli favorably revealing truths that i have found consistant across the board' 'that tough manly men on the outside are oft sweet caring and in many cases sensitive on the inside'
Bonez: you had the research notepad this whole time...
Hitsugi-kun: was that planned?
ren: no... luck is rather fickle though.......
Hitsugi-kun: isn't it time to draw the name?
ren: yes and so the renfluence doesn't happen... Tora-shi?
Tora-san: ok......... ai-chan!
ren: alright! you'll have to give him a call and figure out when & where. now it's time to sleep till next time!
Bonez: next time!
emz: see ya!
at: bye!
anglsu: keep sending in stuff!
Hitsugi-kun: Have a Good Night
Tora-san: see you so--
Bonez: ren why did you stick your finger in his bellybutton?
ren: heh♥
Hitsugi-kun: because she's been sipping... Jack Daniels!?
at: straight out of the bottle -sweat-
Tora-san: most of it is gone...... -sweatdrop-
