Welcome to Random Ramblings aka RR

here i post fic chapters pics and stuff

meanwhile Influx of Insanity is a world dedicated to getting out negative thoughts or goings on in my life so beware when visiting that one

Mood: amused
Song: Summer Nights

new necklace chibi designs

every so often i redesign a chibi Hitsuu quick sketch

i cut the two sides out and carefully tape them on to the keyring from my old school id lanyard

last set was hitsuu on one side and hitsugi aishiteru on the other

now it has a Hitsugi and ren design

hehe i redid my nails

fanfic 53

ok ok i put the detail so you can decide yourself whether to read or not won't be under spoiler

fanfic 53

plot: ren had been gradually losing her appetite then in a moment serious full blown gastric enteritis strikes after a few nail-biting hours the tension breaks in typical ren style

nitty gritty details: vomiting of blood several times people freaking out horrid details
chapter ends much better than it started

for a few days ren hasn't had much of an appetite, anything more then a few bites and she felt horribly ill
this morning the all over dull ache she'd been feeling had intensified and concentrated four times so now it felt like something burning white hot
had filled her stomach. ren stumbled catching herself by grabbing the wall just as a wave of indelible pain so intense the wall had gouge marks from her nails

ren: [oh damn here i am at his house and i'm carving up the wall......BATHROOOOOM!]

rushing to the bathroom and getting there in time ren proceeds to vomit blood consecutively Kokoa-chan smelling blood came through the door left slightly ajar, there was something seriously wrong with the woman that Hitsugi-kun loved that much was obvious. the only issue was how to tell him...... even if Kokoa could find him Hitsugi-kun won't understand a single bark, and time was ticking away.

Kokoa-chan: barkbark bark bark barkbark? [ren is it possible to share your ability to communicate with animals?]
barkbarkbark bark bark! [if you could get it into a tangible form i can get it to Hitsugi and tell him what's happening!]

ren vomited more before she spoke

ren: i can put it into you so when you find him and he picks you up you'll transfer the ability
only he will get the authorization to recieve it

Kokoa-chan: bark bark! hurry!

ren picked Kokoa-chan up, through physical contact she infused Kokoa-chan with the ability to communcate with animals. he was to find Hitsugi-kun and give him this ability so Kokoa-chan could update him on the situation.

ren: through my will you shall find him without trouble

running out the front door and taking a moment to find him................ at the office. off Kokoa-chan runs, it seemed to be true; the way was clear but there still was considerable distance to be covered. after an hour of brisk running Kokoa-chan makes it to their office and the door was open running up the stairs.... half way up.......

Kokoa-chan: rrrrrr...[ great he's going back out....]

hurrying back down Kokoa-chan spots Hitsugi-kun and barks rapidly
Kokoa-chan: barkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbark

Hitsugi-kun: Kokoa? how did you get here? come here......

the ability Kokoa-chan had been carrying has now been transfered and Hitsugi-kun felt it like a wave crashing over him

Hitsugi-kun: whoa that was weird.....
Kokoa-chan: barkbarkbarkbarkbark [get going ren is having a serious health crisis!!]
Hitsugi-kun: Kokoa! i understood you!
Kokoa-chan: BARKBARKBARK [nevermind that now let's go NOW!!]

on the way Hitsugi-kun asked how on earth Kokoa gave him that ability and Kokoa answered with: barkbarkbarkbarkbark [ren was vomiting blood and she used me to take to you this ability so i could tell you what was going on.]

Hitsugi-kun: where is she? still at our house?
Kokoa-chan: bark [yes]

the scene in the bathroom was horrific ren was doubled over the sink the paint on the rim was scratched away a wave of agony gripped her grabbing another area of the sink rim in a vice grip the paint was scratched off ren shuddered....

Hitsugi-kun: ren i'm here!!

turning around was another horror, blood was dripping from her mouth and had stained her shirt crimson
ren: ah good job Kokoa....

ren cried out in agony clenching her stomach

Hitsugi-kun: REN! rushing to her side; ren vomited one last time. it was very hot blood he thought as he felt it dripping on his arm
rushing her to the hospital the nurses stabilize ren hooking her up to an IV after a blood sample was taken it was determined she has a serious case of gastric enteritis the doctor said he'd call with any changes and that Hitsugi-kun should return home til then.
late at night the call came ren is recovering she needed several blood transfusions but first thing tommorow he could see her.....

Hitsugi-kun: this is weird before i would talk to you and i'd pretend you understood me but in reality you already do, i just didn't have the ability to understand you... huh. i should ask where ren herself got the ability...
the phone rings he answers

Hitsugi-kun: hello?
dada: Hitsugi-kun !! what happened to ren she's not here!
Hitsugi-kun: at the hospital recovering
dada: hospital!! was it serious?!
Hitsugi-kun: a severe case of gastric enteritis Ruki-san had it before
the doctor said it looked as though it had been going on a week before it got that bad. seems she had been vomiting nothing but blood for a while
dada: b-blood!!
Hitsugi-kun: hai. the inside of my bathroom sink is red
dada: well i let you go see her then ok? see you!
Hitsugi-kun: ok bye.

nurse: yes?
Hitsugi-kun: i'm here to visit ren.
nurse: ok then room 16

knocking on the door but in the room was an old guy
Hitsugi-kun: umm....

paging Hitsugi-kun paging Hitsugi-kun ren has a message for you. check the room number..... the number 6 is actually a 9
upon checking it sure enough the mumber was loose enough so it looked like this was room 16
now that room 16 was found he knocked on the door and entered more cautiously
Hitsugi-kun: ren!
ren: hai!
Hitsugi-kun: a rather sneaky thing to do
ren: nope that was all your doing.... i noticed as i walked over to the nurses desk 19 18 17 19??
ren: anyway i'll have to properly thank Kokoa-chan.... i can leave today hospital food isn't near as good as if you make it yourself. ahhhh i don't remember the last time i ate a full meal... maybe a week ago

stomach growl ren looked away sheepishly 'stupid timing, didn't wanna say anything before eh?' she muttered
Hitsugi-kun just chuckled it really was amusing back from the brink and already thinking about that belly of hers

pic post 240 CRACKTASTIC!

eh he he i had this a while before i thought to try screencapping
a distraction from the hum drum mundane life for a glorious almost 3 minutes of cracktasic cracktainment

pic post 239

cool huh?

fanfic 52

fanfic 52
ren: (`ω´) <- [face ren is making]
research is done desu..... -> ( •´ω`)=3
-consults HitsuApp- hmm nothing is scheduled today so... -heaves

a bag over shoulder- lets do this thang! love makin' is gonna be a


~heads home for the EVENT~


come on over i have a surprise~

Hitsugi-kun: ren?
ren: lets do this thang! love makin' is gonna be a BANG!

Hitsugi-kun: !! EH?!!
ren: yeah..... -stands from behind and blindfolds him-
ren: shall we go? i'll lead...
ren: stairs watch your step.
Hitsugi-kun: [then we're going in her room!]

ren: ok then strip to the bare essentials♥
Hitsugi-kun: um...
ren: Σ ok then..... shirt buttons unbuttoned... 1..2..3..4..5..6..... off.....

pantsu button unbuttoned....... pantsu off...♥ pantsu under pantsu

off!♥♥♥♥.......and NOW myself to the bare essentials♥..........one more

thing off with the blindfold♥♥♥♥

Hitsugi-kun: Σ( o0o)
ren: yeah yeah ....... i shall now apply this warming lub all over your

Hitsugi-kun: (´¬`)
ren: don't hesitate and go☆

[kisses and a little tongue action]
ren: i did research and we'll see what happens♥
[■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ and then■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

■■■■■■■■][■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■


-they were ridiculously overheated and even an open window didn't


ren: mmm chocolate whipped cream tastes good on you♥ hang on

i'll be back!

-comes back with ice-

ren: -with ice cube in hand she runs her hand down his back♥-
Hitsugi-kun: (=w=)

ren: flip over?

-flips over-

ren: feel any cooler?
Hitsugi-kun: a bit....

ren: -with more ice runs her hand all over his front-
Hitsugi-kun: ( =ω=) much better♥

-dressed only in sheets they fell asleep-

if you wanna know where i got such [hehe] techniques and if you wouldn't get in trouble for going there


should take you to the slideshow 30 thing to do to a neddkid man