
i did nuthing wrong i was
only being me see that
waznt gud enuff 4 your

You abandonded me,n my
sibz,i last saw you 5yrz
ago,you dont kno me ne more

im not littl,im not weak,
im a strong and proud girl
but ur Hate 4 me makez it
hard to live

Your my Father but you
dont act like one,you 4got ur
1st three kidz,but ur taking
kare of one that you had
with some whore

You hurt my Mother,you hurt
my Family,sooner or latr
you will pay 4 wat you
have done,

You cheated on my Mother
and you hurt me,doz thiz othr
family of yourz mean more
to you than us?

You wer the one who taught me
to Hate and your the one i Hate the
most,i kno hatred iznt the way,but
i learned frm you,

I hope your happy wid your
whore of a wife,i hope your
happy with your new Hispanic

you dont like me bkuz im part
white,but im still part latina,
and im your first born,but is see
that anothr child of yourz has
takin my place

You happpy now?
