I'm more or less interested in anything dealing with Itachi but I get interested easily with any manga/anime
I'm not much to talk about an amateur artist trying to put up art for people to see as well as fan art. I hope you like this world I'm probably just do journal entries and compare things in life with some in anime/manga

The Birthday


A day of joy and to be with friends and family...

To the friends and fam I have on theO I say thanks...
For the gifts and cards sent
The comments of wishing me the best of the day
I am thankful for that.
I am grateful for that.

But irl....its nothing like this.
So this is a real big thanks....really.

To the days that past....
I am always grateful
Though one day that is to be celebrated seemed to have been like any other day
To that I say...
Im fine with it being like all the other days
One day is nothing
For me...
Everyday should actually be something special...
To be able to wake up and see tomorrow...
Is a happy day for me...
A alright day,
As long as I can see tomorrow...
A birthday to me...is just another day.

I like birthdays...I like celebrating others birthdays...never my own.
But...here it seems better than reality...to make me just think life...and reality seems to like screwing things up...



I have been on a drawing streak....
I have drawn a lot of new art pieces.

Of course they are traditional.
But I also wanted to show....That I am still coloring some....

Unfortunately I can't upload any.
No matter what I do...
My computer seems to freeze when I try to upload anything.

So I have no way of uploading pictures...my rents won't take me to a library...

,....So I can't really do much until I can get someone else to upload my pictures....
That or I beg for a damn ride....(fuck that im a drive with no license then)

Well...thats all I really can do...oh well back to drawing something to vent out my frustrations.

Baby Baboon

I was feeling down...then a friend as always finds the weirdest things to make a laugh come out.

It's Here

Its early morning
Sun is up

It's time.....to graduate
I'm ready....
I'm nervous.
Not sure why.
Oh well.

I be fine
Once I walk up.
Grab my diploma
And head down
I will be fine

Its early morning
The sun is shinning
The air is fresh
I hope it stays like this a bit

Its going to start
Just not now.
I am waiting
For it to begin

Its here.
Its finally here.
I see faces I know
People I don't know
And people I knew but never talked to

Its here.
Its finally here
Maybe its time
I think ahead

More ahead than before.

Its here.
My time
To walk to the real world.
Its finally here.

Its almost near

Its almost near....
I mean
I feel...glad
But sad
I am happy
Just not too happy
To leave the school
To not see my friends...
...not ok
But I will live
I cared for them
And now its time to part until we meet again
Somewhere around

Its almost near....
The day of graduation
June 10th

Its about to happen
I can't believe it
Some times
I dreamt of this day
I never wanted anything more

Its almost near
I want to stay
In Animation
To say Hi to all those I met
To say Later to them to know I be back and see them
But never once
Did I think
To see us part
I now awaken to reality

Its almost near
the day
Its almost near
Im glad
I am happy
But for now....
Its a see you later
Not good bye

Its close
Its near
Its almost here