Hi, hi everyone XD I havent put anything really relevent here on the post stuff cuz im on-off with work and stuff. But today was an exception. This is my opinion on "otaku".
Note: i've been an otaku for 16 year and currently in the US Airforce as a loadmaster(i travel alot)
For a otaku such a myself i either fail to realise that people just dont comprehend anime, manga, yuri, yaoi ect ect Depending on the person or group of people you encounter in normal society, a few things are evedent.
Who are you? What do you do? What do you like?...Normal basic question.
Now, for otakus such as ourselves we can communicate with other otakus or fangirls or boys easy. But, if your one of those otakus who works at a job thats offical or around an enviorment that is not "Anime" friendly, people tend to question and rant over
"why do you like cartoons so much??"
"Live in the real world."
"Those japanese cartoons are just weird, like you"
"What are u a nerd?"
"its just for kids"
"Only fags like those chinese cartoons" dude the list can go on. These are just example of questions most people in the morm would ask.
I work for the military and nothing more diverse then our uniformed servciemen. During work i wear my anime shirts and have my cellphone with 5 lucky star phone straps and my keychain with many diff. anime char. on it. Since i am to be a airmen under the UCMJ things are meant to be conformed to the UCMJ. ANime is not stated in the UCMJ. Point being when i put on my suit those anime items make me target for people who do not approve over such things. My room is nothing but anime merchindice everywhere, comics, magazines, figures, cards, posters. I love the otaku life as a single airforce man. Many friend come over my place and are just in dead shock of how much anime stuff i have! I am otaku, red white and blue.
Manny times i have been stopped about my anime items. Have you been seriosly lechtered by some person who cant understand what animation is?
For me i love anime and everything about it, without animation i would have never gotten drawing down, ever. I apprecaite the people who put in the work of making animations and items for us the consumer to buy and collect. As long as i live i be an otaku by heart and soul. I am that dedicated.
Thats my view on otakudom, but their are also types of otakus that can be as bad as people who dont like anime. "I know your out there!!!" Such as people who spit why that anime or manga is the best or what he or she thinks of a particular animation you like tottaly sucks. This type of otaku my friends and i have run into time and again.
Otaku friends
"I bought negima 22 today! Its about negi's..."
Random other Otaku
"I never really liked Negima, it just little girls stuff. But Hellsing is probb one of the best anime ect ect.."
Otaku friends
"Uh, ok? So whats your point? I've seen hellsing as well?"
Random otaku
"Well it just never make any point with hot girls and love storys."
Otaku friends
"Dude, its a story just like hellsing ohly with not gats and not bats, diffrent animation and story buddy. bye"
Random otaku
I thinks pretty much every otaku has run into that. The thing being with ego-otakus is either thier like that or just tryin to be an ass. Recommend to me an anime not put down what u like then recommend! But luckly i've meet hundered of awesome otakus around the world and there is nothing like a bunch of otakus getting together for one cause and having a good time!
The art of animation is seductive and attractive one cant help but enjoy the lines. Like most of you i draw on this site because i enjoy the feed back and the art people create on here. Such raw talent can turn you from otaku to animator, thats the beauty of art. A true otaku has no fear, love the art and expression of life.
Like i said this is my view and i dont know if i made any big point but i say
Thanks for readin if u did finish! XD much love Peace!!
ps- i kno lot of spellin eroors XD