YO!!!! whats up yall... Hey i see alot of these comments bout how i draw on paint or how its so good n stuff....i can give u a really complex and detailed way to do paint but heres how I DO PAINT
:3 K less see...i have my blaze(dont ask what it is XP) and an energy drink and OH yeah i have a Tablet. Thas the biggest key! Its only 100$ its well worth the money or if ur rich get the super duper badass ones.
Then i go to paint and i just draw. I dont do those prebody shape thingys i just do what comes to mind and get it done........thas all. :3 not really helpful but its just a matter of gettin on it and doin it alot. If u cant getta wacom and have a mouse same thing just get on do it, look at it, fix it, clean it up and ur done.