K! im not to sick now so its story time pplz!
2012 may 12 Friday 12:43 am
"We are broadcasting at a low frequncy from Mitchilan tower in Idaho. For those who still have working and viable radios, this is not a drill. The entire north american contenent has lost all electrical power in all states....I repeat all electronic devices have been disables, automobiles as well......We..weee....We have come to the conclustion that an EMP has been detonated over the american contenent with an effective radius of 115,000 miles......please stay tuned ....tun.....shhhhh....."
The long scratching sound of static fills a dark room, only small lit candels flicker in the darkness.
"So what do we do now? No cars, no electronics, no jobs!" a voice says in a worried tone.
"We just wait for another broadcast. Thats all. We dont know whats going on?" a calm female voice says.
"Tsss...right. What the F#&k do they know?" says a load voice.
"Well, they knew about the EMP. Thats more than we know kid." an older female voice tells.
"So, whats going to happen?" The calm voice ask.
The candel light flickers and a pair of dark eyes comes into view.
"Chaos.....Get ready."
The candel lights move down a dark hallway and come to a stop in front of a glass door. The light reveals a sign on the door that say exit. The dark eyes look past the exit sign and over looks the street to see people setting fire to buildings and cars, looting and burtality. The a clicking sound echos down the hall way.
"What the hell was that?" the load voice ask.
"Its called a gun. It makes a sound, youn click click?" Say the calm voice.
"Well! Whos got the gun?! ughh!!..." says the load voice says again but cut short.
"Kid shut the f#7k up! Look out there do see that!" a boys voice say in an under tone.
The candel light blows out and a face is squished into the glass window. A boy in his twentys looks hard as a hand press his face against the glass.
"Ok! let him go!" the old girls voice says. The boys face vanishs back into the darkness.
"Aye, man! What the F..mugghh!!!!" the boys say but cut short once more.
"Dude, another out burst like that again..." The moon light simmers on a sliver plated gun labled Star .45auto. Back against the glass once more reveils a hand with a cocked gun pressed against the boys head.
" All...alright...alright. I'll calm down. Its just my parents..." The gun lowers and fades into the dark.
"Dude, for all you know your familys dead so might the rest of ours. Those people out there dont give a sh#! bout our familys. They only care bout their damn cell phones or ipods or sumtin stupied like that. If you want to find your folks we will help. But for all our sakes just fu&89in relax!" say male with dark eyes.
The boy sighs, and nodds his head. "ok..."
"jezz, you didnt have to go that far ray." Says the calm voice.
"No, going far is what those people out side are doin, Chrissy." Raymond says.
They stay quite.
"So what now? Do we stay here or???" Chrissy says puzzled.
A lighter flicks and the candels are lit once more. The dark eyes appeare.
"We need guns and food rations, after that we find more sane people then make our way back to our homes. From there its up to you." the dark eyes turn and walk down the hallway with foot steps following..............To be contuied....
Yeah my buddys are comin over so blah!