obligatory update

Havent done one in a while.... so heres an update. Just found out i;ve been mistaken as a female XD god that made me lol! But i am man!!!!! yeah. Just to be straight up with ppl im 18 and work in a millitary liquer store and is a hardcore gamer, stoner, highly vulgar, drawer guy XD

Other than that the BW project i scrapped the story board and now working on the hard edit :3 so i hope to finish bout 128 pages in a month or so (lots a work) but its either work hard on the manga or go military and good-bye drawing! :( but i should have about 50 pages done in a under a week and editing for about 2 or 3 day on Manga illistrator then bam...got half done. Now that is said whats up ppls whats goin on! Even tho like 1 or 2 ppl will comment this thing XD


GRAAAA!!!!!! XO I swear to God! I am never letting my friend on my cpmputer ever again!!!!!! Damn! Tryin to get a drawin done on here and it crashes on me since he put random Internet chat programs and other useless crap on my comp!!! AHHH!!!! Shit....(pardon my lang.) i was looking forward to finishing it but his programs ate up my comp speed!!!! AHHH!! it friggin pisses me off. Im venting by the way :3 (keepin my words pg-13)

K! So i fixed my comp removed all his crap off my things now im good :3 ...damn, got work in a few hours! SO! I'll dish out a new pic by morning :D
Lol's my ranting! XD


YO!!!! whats up yall... Hey i see alot of these comments bout how i draw on paint or how its so good n stuff....i can give u a really complex and detailed way to do paint but heres how I DO PAINT

:3 K less see...i have my blaze(dont ask what it is XP) and an energy drink and OH yeah i have a Tablet. Thas the biggest key! Its only 100$ its well worth the money or if ur rich get the super duper badass ones.
Then i go to paint and i just draw. I dont do those prebody shape thingys i just do what comes to mind and get it done........thas all. :3 not really helpful but its just a matter of gettin on it and doin it alot. If u cant getta wacom and have a mouse same thing just get on do it, look at it, fix it, clean it up and ur done.

Baka-chan (aka-Shell)

Ok...wtf? My baka-chans already dominated Bakawolf.com and now takin tops on my own portfolio...wow....just got up and gotta be at work in an hour and this what i find!!!??? O.O Srry im kinda blown away with Shell (baka-chan) i didnt expect such a postive responce out of a custom chatacter of mine! XD Thanks to everyone whos commented and voted my stuff!!!XD
New update tonight.....


Yay!!! I finnaly got my job on base :3 now i can make moneyz again XD....(even tho in about a week i'll hate the job) then i gotta go to college....:( Oh well!! :) I;ll still be postin crap loads XD Take it EZ yall and tell me whats up!!! :3