GX: Dark Queen of Miator

Chapter 14: Jaden the Supreme King

Jaden was in a tight spot thanks to Hiyori’s strong defense. Not only had she managed to lock down all of Jaden’s attacks with her Traps, the defensive power of her monsters seemed insurmountable. What was worse was that Hiyori’s Wicked Tree of the East was a ticking time bomb that would go off once it had grown enough counters. Jaden knew that if he didn’t do something to get rid of the Wicked Tree soon, he would lose and be unable to stop Tamao. Unfortunately there was nothing in Jaden’s hand that could help him at the moment.

“I end my turn!” Jaden announced.

As Hiyori drew her next card, Jaden found that he was afraid of what Hiyori’s next card might be. If Hiyori’s next draw were a monster, it would mean she could grow another counter on Wicked Tree of the East. Jaden was at least thankful that Hiyori had already used up the rest of her hand.

“…Well, it seems I have yet to draw a monster.” Hiyori announced, causing Jaden to breath a sigh of relief. “However, what I have drawn will put an end to your mole once and for all. I activate the Spell card, Fissure, and use it to destroy Neo-Spacian Grand Mole!”

The ground beneath the chained Grand Mole collapsed. The intergalactic mole fell into the large hole that had formed, which had sealed up after claiming its victim.

“I end my turn!” Hiyori announced.

“First I activate Pot of Greed and draw two more cards!” Jaden announced.

Jaden smiled when he saw the two cards he had drawn. The first was Elemental Hero Stratos, which had an effect that could destroy Gravity Bind. The second card was Polymerization. He knew that fusing Wildheart and Bladedge wouldn’t be enough to destroy Hiyori’s defensive monsters, but combining either of them or Burstinatrix with Stratos would allow him to summon Elemental Hero Great Tornado. Great Tornado’s summoning would cause the ATK and DEF of Hiyori’s monsters to be cut in half, thus making it possible to destroy the Wicked Tree.

“First I summon Elemental Hero Stratos in Attack Mode!” Jaden announced. Appearing on the field was a warrior in sleek blue armor and white helmet with green visor. On his back was a pair of metal wings, each with a propeller. At the same time as Stratos appeared, another Wicked Fruit Counter grew on the Wicked Tree. “Now I activate the first effect of Stratos, which allows me to destroy a Spell or Trap card for each Hero monster I control. Right now the only Hero I have is Stratos, but I only need to destroy one card, and that’s Gravity Bind!”

The propellers in Stratos’s wings began to spin at an incredible speed, creating a pair of twisters that destroyed the large representation of Hiyori’s Gravity Bind card.

“Now I activate Polymerization!” Jaden announced.

“Activate Trap, Non-Fusion Area!” Hiyori suddenly announced. “When this card is in play, neither player can summon Fusion monsters!”

Jaden was completely shocked. Once again Hiyori had managed to stop him right when he had found a strategy that could penetrate her defenses. Only this time it was far worse.

“Non-Fusion Area not only prevents you from summoning your regular Elemental Hero Fusions, but also prevents you from using The Eye of Timaeus and The Fang of Critias as well.” Hiyori pointed out. “Though I was unable to find any information on the cards them selves, I was able to find out from your previous duels that your so-called Dragons are a unique form of Polymerization that uses only one card to create a Fusion monster. Therefore, Non-Fusion Area is the one card that can prevent the Dragons from being used.”

“I… end my turn.” Jaden announced with a look of frustration on his face.

“Giving into frustration will not change the situation.” Hiyori coldly told him. “You should just calmly except that this duel has no logical conclusion.”

“You expect me to just give up?” Jaden asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

“If you were a logical person like myself, yes.” Hiyori answered bluntly. “But you are ruled by your emotions, just like all the flawed humans of this planet. So you’ll most likely keep trying to find a way around my strategy, no matter how futile it is.”

“You think people are flawed because they have feelings?” Jaden asked sounding surprised.

“Emotions often cloud a persons judgment and cause them to make mistakes.” Hiyori explained. “Only when the human race has risen above them can they unlock they’re true potential. That is a lesson I learned many years ago from my father, one of the most brilliant scientists of his time.”

“I get it. So you just put a wall around yourself to try and keep yourself from feeling anything.” Jaden realized. “Just like you hide behind a wall of monsters in your duels like you’re doing now.”

“If you’re saying that I have learned to be detached, you are correct. But this discussion is pointless.” Hiyori said as she drew her next card. “…Once again I have failed to draw another monster. However there is something I can still do this turn. I activate Hammer Shot and destroy Elemental Hero Stratos!”

A giant wooden mallet suddenly swung down from the sky and pounded Stratos into the ground before disappearing. Once again Jaden’s field was empty.

“I end my turn.” Hiyori announced.

Once again Jaden had breathed a sigh of relief when Hiyori didn’t play another monster. If she had, the Wicked Tree’s DEF would rose to 4100 after growing another counter. Then it would’ve been game over. Even so, it seemed to Jaden that he would have to make his next turn count or else it would probably all end on Hiyori’s next turn. As Jaden reached to draw, the card on top of his deck began glowing with a faint white aura.

Upon touching the card, Jaden once again found himself transported to the same temple where he had met Timaeus and Critias. Just as before, Yubel was with him in solid form. The one thing that Jaden noticed was different about the place when he glanced outside was that the eye of The Great Leviathan had grown much larger than before.

“There isn’t much time.” A voice suddenly spoke. “If we do not do something soon, The Great Leviathan will be fully resurrected in a matter of days.”

Jaden and Yubel turned to see another knight in red armor and wearing a black cape. Jaden noted that the knight bore a resemblance to the legendary duelist, Joey Wheeler.

“So I guess you’re Timaeus and Critias’s brother.” Jaden assumed.

“That is correct Jaden Yuki.” The knight replied. “And I have come to help you in your current battle.”

“I’d love your help, but I’m not sure if you can.” Jaden told him. “Hiyori has pretty much sealed my Fusions.”

“I should still be able to help you.” The knight maintained. “The power of my dragon form work differently than the dragon forms of my brothers. All hope is not yet lost.”

“Well, we certainly don’t have anything to lose by trying.” Yubel commented. “But your power better be able to help, because if it can’t Jaden is sunk.”

“Do not worry Yubel.” The knight said reassuringly. “Together we shall prevail!”

“I’m really grateful for your help.” Jaden said as he held out his hand to the knight.

“I am called Hermos.” The knight said as he shook Jaden’s hand.

In another flash of white light, Jaden found himself back in the duel hold the card he had just draw. As before with The Eye of Timaeus and The Fang of Critias, Jaden found that he somehow knew how to use this new card. And it was at that point he had figured out a way to topple Hiyori’s defenses.

“First I summon Elemental Hero Wildheart!” Jaden announced.

The wild jungle hero appeared on the field. At the same time another Wicked Fruit sprouted on the Wicked Tree of the East.

“As of now, my Wicked Tree’s DEF is 4100, and my Mystical Elf’s DEF is 3200.” Hiyori announced. “It seems you have now sealed your fate. Next turn I will tribute Wicked Tree and bring your life points to zero.”

“There won’t be a turn after this one!” Jaden proclaimed. “Because now I activate the Spell card, Fake Hero! And with its effect I summon Elemental Hero Bladedge!”

Appearing on the field was a muscular warrior covered completely in gold armor. Large blades were attached to the hero’s forearms. As soon as Bladedge appeared another fruit sprouted on the Wicked Tree.

“Again, your efforts are futile.” Hiyori coldly maintained. “Your Bladedge may have the ability to inflict piercing damage its ATK is only 2600, far below the DEF of my monsters. I do not see the point to this display.”

“You will in a second!” Jaden announced. “Because now I play The Claw of Hermos!”

Roaring onto the field was a large and brawny looking brownish-red dragon with a back full of spikes and a horn on the end of its snout.

“Again, your actions are pointless.” Hiyori maintained, though this time there was a slight hint of irritation in her voice. “The power of your dragons cannot work while Non-Fusion Area is in play.”

“The Claw of Hermos works differently than The Eye of Timaeus and The Fang of Critias!” Jaden explained. “When Hermos combines with a monster, he doesn’t create a Fusion monster but an Equip Spell!”

“What?” Hiyori exclaimed, actually sounding surprised.

“You heard right, so now I combine Hermos and Bladedge to create Hero Edge Axe!” Jaden announced.

Hermos then began to merge together with Bladedge, resulting in an explosion of white light that washed out the field. When the light faded, a large golden axe that looked as if it had been fashioned from Bladedge’s armor hovered on the field next to Wildheart.

“Now I equip Hero Edge Axe to Wildheart!” Jaden announced. Wildheart took hold of the axe in his right hand. “Wildheart, chop down Wicked Tree of the East with Hero Edge Chop!”

With that, Wildheart charged at the Wicked Tree and swung the axe into the base of its trunk. The tree was not destroyed, but Wildheart kept swinging away.

“What is the point of all this?” Hiyori asked. “The DEF of Wicked Tree is still far higher than Wildheart’s! Are you trying to lose on purpose now?”

“If you were paying attention, you’d have figured out that I don’t take damage when a monster equipped with Hero Edge Axe attacks a monster with higher DEF!” Jaden explained. “On the other hand, after a monster equipped with Hero Edge Axe battles a monster with DEF higher than its ATK, that monster gets destroyed and my opponent takes damage equal to the destroyed monster’s DEF. And thanks to all those Wicked Fruit Counters, Wicked Tree’s DEF was 4400, which is more than enough to wipe you out!”

As Jaden talked, Wildheart continued to hack into the Wicked Tree of the East. Soon enough the hero had managed to hack half way through and the tree began to topple over towards Hiyori. Hiyori raised her arms in a pointless attempt to protect herself. The tree fell on Hiyori and her life points dropped to zero. With the duel over the monsters vanished, and the number on Hiyori’s point counter dropped to zero. At the same time the number on Jaden’s point counter rose to one hundred and twenty and flashed green. The sound of the P.A. horn then rang over the island.

“Attention tournament participants!” Amane’s voice called over the intercom. “We now have our seventh finalist, and I’m sure no one will be surprised when you hear his name. Our seventh finalist is pro duelist Jaden Yuki! As of now, only one spot is left in the finals. So may the best duelist win!”

After the announcement Hiyori slowly got back to her feet.

“I don’t understand.” Hiyori said with a shocked expression on her face. “I was sure that I had anticipated everything… So how could I have lost?”

“Obviously you didn’t quite predict everything.” A voice suddenly cut in. Both Jaden and Hiyori turned to see Tamao standing near by.

“L-Lady Tamao! What are you doing here?” a startled Hiyori asked.

“I came here to see if you truly had come up with a way to defeat Jaden Yuki.” Tamao coldly explained as she approached. “But I can see that you’ve failed miserably. Return to the dorms, you’re done for the day.”

“…Yes Lady Tamao.” Hiyori said with a bow before quickly walking away. Jaden could swear that she was on the verge of tears.

With Hiyori gone, Tamao approached Jaden with an innocent smile.

“Well Jaden, I congratulate you on making it into the finals.” Tamao told him. “You dueled very well against Hiyori.”

“Cut the games Tamao.” Jaden demanded. “I know you’re trying to bring back The Great Leviathan.”

“Well, it seems that you really do know more than my dear witches and I first thought.” Tamao said as her false smile quickly faded. “I assume you learned of the Leviathan from the three dragons, or rather three knights.”

“How I learned about it doesn’t matter.” Jaden told her. “What I do want to know is why you’re trying to bring back the Leviathan and destroy the world.”

“That does not concern you.” Tamao said calmly but with a hint of anger in her voice.

“Fine…” Jaden said as he saw that he wasn’t going to get anything out of Tamao. “But one way or another I’ll stop you.”

“You think you can stop me with just the power of the three knights?” Tamao asked.

“Not just with the power of the Legendary Knights, but with my own power!” Jaden declared as his eyes suddenly flashed bright gold before turning to the colors of Yubel’s eyes. “The power of Yubel and the Supreme King!”

“Is that supposed to intimidate me?” Tamao said in an unimpressed tone as her eyes flashed to an eerie Orichalcos green. “I wield a power that is over 10,000 years old. You have no hope of defeating me. But I guess we’ll just have to settle this in the finals.”

With that, Tamao turned on a heel and walked away. Jaden sighed and his eyes returned to their usual brown.

“So did we just declare war?” Yubel asked as she appeared next to Jaden.

“If we haven’t already we have now.” Jaden replied as he looked off in the direction Tamao went. “And before this tournament ends we will take Tamao down!”