GX: Dark Queen of Miator

Chapter 15: Make Her Suffer

The tenth day of the Astraea Star Cup Tournament had finally arrived. With seven of the finalists decided, the three schools were abuzz with gossip and theories about who might be the eighth. Meanwhile, those who were still in the tournament were fighting tooth and nail to get that final coveted spot. That morning Shion was walking through the halls of Spica on her way to a meeting of the three student councils. On her way there she overheard two of the students talking.

“So who do you think is going to be the eighth finalist?” one of the students asked the other.

“Dunno, but I hope it’s someone from Spica.” The other student answered. “I was actually hoping that President Shion would make it in, but I heard she got wiped out on day one.”

“That’s cause she challenged Jaden Yuki.” The first student pointed out.

“Seriously?” the second student exclaimed. “She challenged the guy who beat both the previous and current Etolie on the first day of the tournament? What the heck was she thinking?”

“No clue, but she’s been a real basket case these days.” Replied the first student.

Shion sighed as she overheard the conversation. The two were right; challenging Jaden on the first day of the tournament was a dumb move, one that was motivated by jealousy. And that lose wasn’t very good for Spica’s image.

“You know who might actually make it into the finals?” the first student asked the second. “Lilum’s president, Chikaru Minamoto.”

“Are you kidding?” the second student asked. “I didn’t know she was that good.”

“Well she is a student council president.” The first student pointed out.

“I know, but Lilum?” the second student responded. “That school isn’t really known for putting out strong duelists.”

“They have produced a few.” The first told the second. “Anyway, last I heard President Chikaru had gotten seventy points in the tournament. She could actually make it.”

“Wow, I had no idea.” Replied the second student. “Well, we should get to class.”

With that, the two students walked off. As Shion continued on her way to the meeting, she thought about the idea of Chikaru being a finalist in the tournament. Of course she had no doubt that her beloved Chikaru could make it to the finals. After all, she was a strong duelist. What bothered Shion was the possibility of Chikaru facing Tamao or one of the members of the Four Witches in the final rounds. She had heard the rumors about them and did not like the idea of Chikaru putting herself in such danger.

* * *

The meeting had gone like all the others. Once again aggravated by Tamao’s antics. It had come to a quick end though. After the meeting, Shion and Chikaru were the only ones left in the room. Shion sat at the table massaging her temples.

“I swear that girl is going to drive me insane!” Shion exclaimed. At that moment Chikaru walked up behind the chair and started giving Shion a backrub. “Oh, that feels great.”

“You really should relax more.” Chikaru told her.

“I’ll relax when Tamao is dead.” Shion joked.

“You shouldn’t push yourself too hard.” Chikaru said with a worried expression. “You’re going to collapse at this rate.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Shion admitted. “After the tournament I’ll let Kaname and Momomi handle things for a few days and take some time off.”

“Sounds good to me.” Chikaru agreed.

With that, Chikaru leaned down and planted a firm kiss on Shion’s lips. The two were so lost in the kiss that they did not notice Jaden, Jessie, Striker, and Clive suddenly enter the room. Clive’s jaw almost dropped off at the site before him.

“What the…?” Clive exclaimed, startling Shion and Chikaru.

“Sorry girls.” Jaden said to the couple with an apologetic smile. “We were bored so I thought I’d show the guys around Spica. We’ll leave you two alone.”

With that, the four left the room. Though Jessie and Striker had to drag Clive out. After a few moments of walking the four stopped at the end of the hallway.

“Well that was awkward.” Striker commented. “You know I’ve actually noticed that kind of thing a lot with the girls on this island.”

“I have too.” Jessie revealed.

“So have I.” Striker informed them, still with a slightly shocked expression. “Fusion Master, you were on this island for a year. Tell us… is it like that with all the girls who go to these academies?”

“Well I couldn’t say all the girls, but most of them it seems like.” Jaden revealed.

“Of course!” Clive exclaimed. “It explains why my natural charms haven’t appealed to any of the ladies here.”

“What natural charms?” Striker teased.

“Wait a minute!” Clive said as a look of realization appeared on his face. “This is the island where they are from!”

“They?” Jaden asked with a raised eyebrow.

“A pair of girl duelists who’ve popped up recently.” Clive explained. “One has long silver hair, and the other is a redhead. They’ve been traveling around Europe winning tournaments left and right. Alone they’re powerful, but together they’re unbeatable.”

“Wow, they sound like a tough pair.” Striker said sounding impressed.

“The silver haired girl is said to be an Elemental Hero user and has the Ultra Rare Elemental Hero Terra Firma.” Clive revealed. “The rumors also say that she beat Seto Kaiba himself.”

“Okay that I find a little hard to believe.” Striker commented.

“Believe what you want Striker. I’m just telling you what I heard.” Clive told him. “And I also heard that these two girls came from some fancy duel academy, and that they’re a couple. And after what the Fusion Master just told us, I’m positive that those two girls are from this island.”

“Well J., you were on this island last year. Those two girls sound familiar?” Jessie asked Jaden.

“Actually, it sounds like Clive is talking about Shizuma and Nagisa.” Jaden revealed. “They’re a couple of friends of mine, but I didn’t know they had gotten such a reputation.”

“How’d you meet ‘em?” Jessie asked.

“It’s a long story and I may tell you about it later.” Jaden answered. “For now why don’t I finish showing you guys around?”

“Sounds good to me.” Striker agreed. “Just as long as we don’t walk in on Shion and Chikaru again.”

With that, the four walked off. Not too far away, Tamao had overheard much of their conversation. Two of the things that the boys were talking about really burned her up. The first was hearing about Shizuma and Nagisa. It angered her to hear that they were doing so well, but Tamao knew that there wasn’t anything she could do about that at the moment. The second thing that enraged Tamao was hearing about Shion and Chikaru. Their relationship was just another unfairness in the world that needed to be eliminated.

* * *

A little later Tamao had gone to the Miator Student Council room to look at the fragment of The Great Leviathan. As she did so, she thought about what she should do about Shion and Chikaru. Tamao couldn’t duel Chikaru and capture her soul with The Seal of Orichalcos, as she was a finalist in the tournament. But there was something else she could do. As Tamao continued to look at the fragment, Mika entered the room.

“You wanted to see me Lady Tamao?” Mika asked.

“Yes, I have a job that I need you to do for me.” Tamao explained as she turned to face Mika. “But before I tell you what it is, I must ask how close you are to reaching the finals.”

“I’ve got fifty points, so I’m half way there.” Mika told her.

“Well then, I have the perfect way for you to assure your place in the finals.” Tamao said as she walked towards Mika. “I want you to defeat Chikaru Minamoto.”

“The president of Lilum?” Mika asked with a raised eyebrow. “With all do respect Lady Tamao, I don’t see how beating her will get me into the finals.”

“She has seventy points.” Tamao revealed.

“Seriously?” Mika said with a very surprised expression. “Wow, I didn’t know someone from Lilum could be that good. Still, beating her should be a piece of cake.”

“Do not underestimate the power of a student council president.” Tamao warned. “Still, this should be a relatively easy task for you. I only require you to do one thing though Mika. During the duel, I want you to make her suffer.”

“No problem Lady Tamao.” Mika replied. “But if you don’t mind me asking, what do you have against President Chikaru?”

“My reasons are my own business.” Tamao answered coldly. “Now get to it.”

“Right away.” Mika replied with a salute, and with that she left the room.

* * *

A little later, Mika headed towards her room at the dorms to grab a card that she thought would help her bring down Chikaru a little quicker. As she approached the door, Mika could hear the sound of crying coming from inside the room. Of course Mika knew that it could only be Hiyori, but it seemed so unlike Hiyori to be crying. Mika knew Hiyori to keep her emotions under lock and key, although ever since her defeat at the hands of Jaden, Mika noticed that Hiyori had been looking depressed. Mika opened the door a crack and peeked in to find that Hiyori was indeed laying facedown on her bed crying.

“Hey, Hiyori?” Mika called as she entered the room, startling Hiyori.

“Oh, Mika!” Hiyori said as she sat up and put her glasses back on. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to get a card I left in here.” Mika explained as she went over to the dresser and pulled a card from one of the drawers. “Were you just crying?”

“Of course not!” Hiyori fiercely denied. “Why on earth would I be crying?”

Mika knew that Hiyori was lying, but she knew that pressing her about it would do no good. Plus she didn’t see why she should care. Still, Mika could help but feel very troubled by all this, and she found that she wanted to do something to help Hiyori.

“Hey uh, Lady Tamao wants me to crush Chikaru Minamoto.” Mika told Hiyori.

“How come?” Hiyori asked.

“She would tell me.” Mika answered. “All I know is she wants me to make Lilum’s president suffer.”

“I see.” Hiyori replied. “I suppose if Tomoyo wasn’t in the finals, Lady Tamao would’ve sent her to do this task.”

“Actually from what I could tell from her mood, Lady Tamao probably would’ve sent Jane to do it.” Mika said with a shudder. “Either that or she would’ve done the job herself. But I’m the only one available to do it. So you wanna watch?”

“Why would I be interested in watching you duel?” Hiyori asked.

“I dunno, maybe just to get some fresh air?” Mika replied.

“I suppose it might do some good to go outside.” Hiyori relented. “Okay, I’ll come watch your duel. It might actually be interesting.”

* * *

A little later, Chikaru was out for a walk. As much as she preferred to spend the rest of the afternoon with Shion, or perhaps pick a few flowers, she needed to find another opponent if she wanted to get into the finals. Plus Shion had more work to do for the student council. It wasn’t long before Mika and Hiyori appeared before Chikaru. Chikaru could tell from the look on Mika’s face that she wanted something.

“You’re pretty easy to find President Chikaru.” Mika told her.

“Mind telling me what you want?” Chikaru asked.

“I’d think that’d be pretty obvious.” Mika replied. “I’m half way into the finals, and the word is you’ve got seventy points. If I beat you, I’m in. But then the same could be said for you if you beat me. So how ‘bout it, think you can take me?”

Chikaru thought for a moment about what to do. She knew that the Four Witches were dangerous, but the chance for a fifty-point victory was hard to pass up.

“Okay… I’ll take you on!” Chikaru finally agreed.

With that, the two activated their duel disks. It was at that moment that Jaden, Jessie, Striker, and Clive showed up while continuing Jaden’s little tour of the island. The four of them were surprised by what they were seeing.

“Ah, Jaden Yuki. I must admit that this is a surprise.” Hiyori said as she approached the four. “You’re right on time to see your friend Chikaru Minamoto duel Mika, a duel that she will most likely lose.”

“Why are you going after Chikaru?” Jaden demanded.

“Hey, it’s nothing personal Yuki.” Mika told him. “I’m just doing this to get into the finals, and because Lady Tamao has something against your friend. Besides it’s not like Chikaru is being forced into this.”

“Jaden, you and the others just stay out of this, okay?” Chikaru requested. “I can handle Mika.”

“…Okay, but be careful.” Jaden replied after a moment.

Once the life points of the two duelists were set to 4000, the duel began. Chikaru had the first move.

“For my first move I summon Chamberlain of the Six Samurai in Defense Mode!” Chikaru announced. Appearing on the field in a sitting position was a man with long black hair tied in a ponytail and a scared face and cybernetic right eye. His arms and lower legs were mechanical, as if he had lost them in battle. “Now I set two cards on the field and end my turn!”

“A pretty safe opening move, but it won’t help.” Mika commented as she drew her first card. “First I summon Sonic Bird!”

Appearing on Mika’s side of the field was a large eagle wearing goggles and a jetpack.

“When Sonic Bird is summoned, I can add a Ritual Spell card to my hand. And the card I choose to add is Orichalcos Ritual!” Mika announced. “And now I activate Orichalcos Ritual and tribute my Sonic Bird and your Chamberlain of the Six Samurai to summon Dark Orc of the West!”

The circle of the Orichalcos Ritual appeared on the field. Lightning shot up from the circle and slowly and painfully deconstructed both monsters. When there was nothing left of the tributes, a pillar of black flames shot up into the air. Once the flames finally faded, Dark Orc of the West was standing on the field holding its club. Meanwhile, Mika’s eyes began glowing red.

“By the time I’m through with you, you’re gonna wish you never even entered this tournament!” Mika declared with a mad grin.