Quickie update

Hey guys! Long time no see! School's almost out so I've been super busy, so that's why the radio silence I'd like to do a proper update since it's been ages and so much stuff has happened, but I really need to study, so here's a quick breakdown:
1)I opened a bank account and got a debit card
2)Since opening my bank account I have spent almost $60 at the comic book shop, so clearly i can't be trusted with a debit card
3)Know that LOZ Collector's Edition for Gamecube? Got a copy for just $30 bucks. How cool is that??
4)I'm halfway done with Issue 5 of Kagamure. Yeah, I know I always say that, but this time it's actually true!
5)Speaking of which, May 25th was Kagamure's first birthday! And in that year about one day has passed in the comic. Man, that's weird.
6) I have a sort of boyfriend now, but that's another post.

See you guys later!
