space boyfriend n such

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in forever. The last few weeks have been kinda busy/stressful for me, but things are going okay over all. Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday last week. You guys made me smile
So yeah, I'm eighteen now, which is kind of a mixed bag. I mean, I'm legally an adult now. Pretty soon I'm gonna be taking care of myself, which is ridiculous. I can barely remember to unplug my hair straightener before I leave the house. On the other hand, I can get into adults-only rock concerts now, which is great. Shonen Knife came to my area last year, but I couldn't go see them because the show was 18+. But hey, now I won't have that problem.
Oh hey, remember that coffee shop job I wanted, but couldn't apply for because of the age restriction? Not a problem anymore! They put their help wanted sign back up, and I applied there. I really hope I get it, I would absolutely kill for this job. It's my favorite cafe, it's near my home, and it pays $9.00 an hour, which is awesome, and I can work like thirty hours a week at least, so that's a lot of money. Pays for my comic book addiction, anyway
My social life has continued being a convoluted emotionally damaged tragicomedy. My friends are probably going to prom together. None of us have dates, but a lot of people go just for fun. It seems silly to me, but prom is silly anyway if you think about it. My friend S and I (I don't wanna use names because privacy and stuff, so we'll just go with initials) used to joke we were gonna wear Princess Zelda cosplay instead of a prom dress, and our dates were gonna be Danisnotonfire and KickthePJ, but I'm starting to think that isn't going to pan out My friend L is definitely going, and S probably will. I kind of wanna go, but tickets are like $50, and I'm not sure I wanna cough up that much for something I might not even like. If I do go, I wanna wear this minidress I bought a few years back (it's supercute and I'm too cheap to but a new dress-it looks a little like this) and buy a cutout of Poe Dameron and tell people that it's my date.
That's basically the plan now, and I think it's funny (and Poe is my space-boyfriend XD) There's some new wrinkles, though. Remember Totoro, that boy I liked? I told L I liked him, and she was like, "He's already got a girlfriend." I was pissed, because I was right about to give him my number and everything and it turns out he's spoken for. Every. Damn. Time. Anyway, a few weeks later, L casually says, "Oh by the way, Totoro just broke up with his girlfriend. Though you ought to know." So who knows? Things might be about to get interesting
