Update part one

Hey guys! So last night I went on a caffeine-fueled posting spree on TheO, and a lot of cool stuff happened.
If you haven't seen it yet, I'm doing a weekly discussion question now. A lot of people responded, which is really awesome, and I'm excited that this is something people are interested in and that I got to read all your comments.
I also adopted a fox from XxArrancarFanxX (thanks Nikki! I'll take good care of him ) Toyotami Kun also drew a headshot of my superhero Electric Blue, and it's awesome, and now I have to draw more pictures of Blue.
I'm a couple pages into the next issue of Kagamure (what issue are we on now? five? Even I don't remember ) I've been trying to incorporate more varied lines and markmaking into my drawings, and it's definitely making a difference. This issue is gonna have a little more action and less just standing around talking (plus Zelda is back!) I'm really excited about this one, it's gonna be a lot of fun.
That's all I have time for right now. Hope everyone's having a nice Monday (yes I know, "Nice Monday" is an oxymoron ) and I'll see you later (like seriously im gonna post again this afternoon hopefully cause I have more stuff to talk about but the bell's about to ring so I need to wrap up)
