
Hey guys! So I cleverly didn't do any of my homework last night and now I'm scrambling to do the assignment for Chinese class the block before it's due. Pro tip for anyone taking a Mandarin class: Google Translate is a gift from Heaven. Use it. Anyway, remember Totoro? Turns out my sister has a thing for him, too. BACK OFF, SISTER! HE'S MINE!! Luckily this sister, is even more socially impaired than I am (and that's saying something) so that gives me a leg-up. Good grief, I sound like such a lunatic. Speaking of my comical excuse for a love life, the gross guy who's had a crush on me since 10th grade and has expressed his feelings by saying crude sexual things to me and staring at me creepily whenever we're in the same room, is here in the library with me. Hurray! I can't easily avoid him! I swear, if he tries to talk to me, I'm kicking him. I remember last semester I was in an English classroom working on a Chromebook (okay, I was on TheO, but still), and I look up, and he's staring at me. I look back at my computer, then I look back up like two full minutes later, and he's still staring at me. Then he goes, "Hey, what are you doing?". I was like, "None of your damn business!" I didn't actually say that, but I wish I had. Seriously, You don't stare at people then ask what they are doing on the computer. that;'s not normal. He seems to think we're buddies or something, even though our relationship is literally nothing but sexual harassment. Seriously, that's our only connection. We aren't friends. See, this is why I wear steel-toed combat boots, in case anyone tries to bother me. I can do some serious damage to your family jewels if I need to. Okay, while I was writing this, he actually came over and started reading over my shoulder. I'm not even kidding. That's it, I'm killing him. Buhhh. Sorry for ranting. this was gonna be a nice post, and it kinda got away from me. I'll write more later. Hope everyone's having a nice day, aand I'll see you later
