songs of innocence

Hey guys! Hope everyone's been doing okay. I've had an alright week so far, but I can't believe it's only Wednesday This week is going so slow! We're reading Seamus Heaney's translation of Beowulf in English class, and it's pretty kick-ass. I just read the part where Beowulf fights Grendel's mother. So cool!
I've been listening to U2's newest album a lot lately. You know, the one that just kinda showed up in everyone's iTunes. Actually my version of iTunes is so outdated I had to go onto the store and download it manually. So I thought it was pretty cool that I got it for free, but I get why everyone was pissed about them doing that. But look, here's the thing. It's obnoxious that they did that, but they're rock stars. They're supposed to be obnoxious. I think it says a lot about our society that celebrities can do drugs and abuse their spouses and do whatever, but U2 messes with our iPhones and suddenly they're evil. Alright, rant over.
I honestly didn't like Songs of Innocence much when I first heard it, but I saw U2 in Boston this summer and they played a lot of stuff from the new album, and it kinda blew me away. So I thought I should give it another shot, and I ended up being crazy about it I mean, it's not as good as War or Achtung Baby or Joshua Tree, but it's still pretty damn good. Go listen to it, everyone.
Catch you later,
