August 11, 1989

Before I begin I would like to say two things. Number one this is a short one-shot story, and it's really condensed, also it's pretty old. This is a revised version of short a fiction I tried to submit months ago.

August 11, 1989 a war began for supremacy an underground if you will. This war was between an elite group of fighters simply known as group Ten and a band of mercenaries known as the Dai Ks. This war was for a sword, a very special sword known as the Tetsu. The Tetsu has enormous power strong enough to change the world. It was prophesied that a person would someday wield the sword and unlock the full extent of it's power. On that day a boy known as Hideoroa was born. The war waged for seven years. By that time the boy was six years old and learning how to properly wield a sword. "Again" said the father. A handsome man in his late 20s a former member of the Dai Ks. "You must learn how to wield a sword, for one day the world will depend on it."

"All right father for the world"

As he grew his skills grew. On August 11, 2000 four years after the war ended, Hideoroa's father decided to let him join the Dai Ks and let him become a mercenary at the age of ten. "Him, A Dai K?" Lieutenant Gaff asked in his superior way. "Yes, I believe one day he would wield the Tetsu." Hideoroa's father responded confidently. "All right." Lieutenant Gaff said all of a sudden cheerful. "Colonel Kunai!"
"What is it lad?"
"We need you to test this young man."
Ahh all right!" Colonel Kunai said in an almost euphoric, excited mood. "Since you're still a lad we won't give you a test that would hurt you." Lieutenant Gaff!"
"The sword sir?"
"Of course" Lieutenant Gaff left to the back with no door, but instead hippie beads were covering the door way. Lieutenant Gaff reached for a sword with a sheath that has faded letters. He handed the sword to the colonel who in turn handed it to Hideoroa. Hideoroa looked at the sheath and blew some dust off, he made out the letters it said: TETSU. Hideoroa gasped.
"The Legendary Tetsu!"
"Yes m'lad this is for the test, if you can cut all the trees down outside it means you can wield the Tetsu." The colonel and Hideoroa walked outside to the central courtyard of their main complex. "Here they are let's see what you got." The colonel said confidently.
"HYAA!" He unsheathed his sword and swiftly cut down all the trees on one stroke.
"Fine job m'lad!"
"You mean I'm a Dai K?" "Exactly" "YES!!" Hideoroa exclaimed with joy.

Two days later Hideoroa learned a couple of moves such as the Ganryu Tetsu and the Shakunetsu fireball. but these moves pale in comparison to the Apocalypse strike. A week later the Dai Ks rival group Ten attacked. The Dai Ks were able to hold most of them off except for their leader who colonel Kunai was fighting and losing to. Hideoroa kicked their leader away. "Hey come fight with me! Bergen?"
"Yes it's me." Bergen was a 30 year old man with a goatee and spiky hair he was a long time friend of Hideoroa's father.
"For hurting the colonel you must pay in blood."
"is that a challenge?"
"Yes it is." Hideoroa and Bergen charged at each other.

Hideoroa kicked Bergen with a high kick and unsheathed his sword and tried to quickly stab downward but Bergen rolled away. "I see you like to go straight to the point." Bergen said completely surprised at his killer intent. A fierce battle ensued, a hail of cold steel started to rain down as Hideoroa pitted his Tetsu against Bergen's skill with his sword. "SHAKUNETSU FIREBALL!" Hideoroa fired a huge ball of fire at Bergen. Bergen simply held his sword out as if to bunt and deflected it back to Hideoroa. "What? No way!" Hideoroa had a surprised look on his face which quickly turned to a frustrated one. Hideoroa punched Bergen in the face and then did a jump spinning back kick to his stomach Bergen went to his knees in pain. "Hey block this GANRYU TETSU!" He fired a huge energy blast. Bergen was hit. "Yeah that's the way wha..." Bergen was indeed alive, and tried to stab Hideoroa! Hideoroa merely sidestepped and chopped at his neck with his hand. "Guess I'll have to use my most powerful move." Colonel, you think you could hold him for three seconds?" "Three seconds? I could hold him all day lad here I go." The colonel grabbed Bergen in what looked like a half nelson.
"Here I go." Hideoroa responded. He started to gather his ki or inner strength. "Apocalypse... STRIKE!!" Hideoroa fired the mother of all energy blasts. "No!" Bergen's last words before being engulfed in the blast.
"Yeah Hideo!" "Go Roa!" All the members of the Dai Ks cheered him on and continued to party in the night.
"Hey Roa I heard 11 X is seeking you out for super elite lessons!" It was Lieutenant Gaff.
Yeah, heard it from the colonel himself." "So this is the beginning of a long and arduous journey; I must seek out 11 X and receive his training then I'll be strong enough to save the world from anyone." So this chapter ends and another begins so is the way of life.
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