Looking Forward


You know with the new year coming soon people make those resolutions and almost always never go through with them. Well, with this new year you really will work on improving yourself. If you really care. Number one thing I can say is DON'T GIVE UP! Even if it's hard, if it's what you want then it should be worth it and you should keep going. Number 2, don't be hard on yourself, which kind of goes with number 1. If it's TOO hard, then maybe it's not your goal but what you're doing. Scale things back take it slower.

Another piece of advice I want to giverant in disguise... just because you're 21 doesn't mean you have to drink! Lately, I've been seeing folks who just turned 21 on dA and on theO who say "I'm going to have a drink" usually followed by "but only as a casual drink" or "just to see how it's like". Thing that gets me is that a lot of these folks (not all of course) but a lot of them SAY they're Christian. If you're a Christian and you say you're going to drink but then give some sort of extra response like I put up it still doesn't make it right! If you have to justify yourself then you're wrong. What I mean is if you have to give some lame line as to why you think it's alright you're just making excuses. "Just one drink" or "for tonight only" or "only casually" you still willingly do what you know is wrong. Or at least I think you know it's wrong if you try to justify it. Like I was saying if you'r Christian you know it's a sin and if you're saying I know it's wrong but I'm going to do it anyway and act like it's okay then you're not being Christian at all just another regular sinner. Yes, if you're a Christian you could say "we're all sinners" which is true difference a Christian will confess they sinned and not want to do it again.

Even if you're an atheist I STILL say don't drink because that "one casual drink" can turn into many, and can turn into alcoholism. Then all of a sudden you have a liver that looks like a burned steak.

I have the same feelings on smoking.

But again, I'm not your father and this is merely advice. I only feel like ranting because as someone who has a good heart I don't like to see others fall down a path that will only lead to emotional and physical pain.

Ok that all of a sudden went all serious, but anyway I still wish you guys a happy new year and I hope it's amazing. Here's to the new year!