First year of High School [EdxWinry]

Chapter 3: Planning

The next few weeks went on peacefully. I got fully adjusted to my schedule at school and had even managed to gain a few friends. That girl Sciezka from my science class had become a pretty good friend, and another girl named Paninya and I got along really well. She was in both my gym class and my engineering elective. I also had become used to Riza hanging out with the guys, usually that group with Roy, Havoc, Fuery, Falman, and Breda. I didn’t really know much about the group but it didn’t bother me much. What did bother me was the fact that Roy continued to give me looks from a crossed the room. Apparently he still had a thing for me.
Other then that everything was great. I actually was enjoying school. Then came the party, which all came to be because of Paninya.
Sciezka, Edward, and I were eating lunch, talking about Mrs. Curtis and how Edward had gotten in trouble with her again. Surprisingly enough, Edward actually didn’t mind Sciezka and got along with her pretty well. I was about to say something but then jumped as a tray slammed down on the table next to me. I looked to see my perky friend Paninya slide into the seat beside me. Edward sighed as she sat. He was not a fan of her however. He put up with the girl fine but he often complained to me later about how she always gave him headaches and such. I had to admit, she did talk a lot and she was rather hyperactive, but I kind of liked that about her. She was almost always smiling and seemed to brighten the place up with her presence.
Paninya greeted Edwards sigh by sticking her tongue out at him then giggling. She then turned to Sciezka and me and smiled.
“Hey did you guys hear how it’s supposed to be like, really warm this weekend?” she asked us. We nodded.
“Yeah isn’t it supposed to be like ninety degrees or something like that? Probably the last warm weekend we’ll get.” Edward replied. Paninya grinned at him and I could see him forcing himself not to glare.
“Right, so I was thinking we should all have a big party or something at the lake to celebrate! We’ll invite a whole bunch of people, have a barbeque, wear our bikinis and flaunt our stuff- oh, Ed you don’t have to wear a bikini….unless you want to,” she said. Now Ed was glaring at her, and I couldn’t help but giggle.
“Gee thanks Win, laugh along with her why don’t you?” Ed sighed shaking his head. I suddenly felt bad but knew he wasn’t all that mad. I was pretty sure he was used to us girls teasing him by now.
“Aw, come Ed, you know I’m just messing with ya. Guys are so easy to rile up when you mess with their pride,” Paninya scoffed as she chucked a grape at Ed.
After talking it over, we agreed to have a party on Saturday at the lake. Paninya said I could invite anyone and that she would be inviting a few people as well. She said Sciezka and Ed could do the same.
“Who the hell am I supposed to invite? All my friends here are you girls” Ed complained as we headed for history.
“What about that Russell kid you were talking to?” I asked.
“He gets annoying” Ed replied bluntly, “but I might invite him because his little brother is Al’s friend.”
“He has a little brother? Huh, I didn’t know that” I said, almost to myself.
“Who are you planning on inviting?” Ed sighed. I thought a moment then said,
“Well, probably Riza, but other then that I don’t think I have anyone to invite.”
Edward smiled slightly and said, “Well then, as long as Paninya doesn’t go to crazy inviting people, this little party might not be too bad.” I grinned as well and agreed that a small party with a few friends would be a lot of fun.
After school before I headed out to the bus, I ducked into the women’s restroom. As I was about to exit my stall I heard a group of girls enter, talking and giggling about something. I wasn’t paying them much mind however until I heard Paninya’s voice among them. I was about to go out and see what they were all talking about when I heard another familiar voice.
“So Paninya, who else is gunna be at this party?”
I scowled as I recognized the voice of Rose. I’m not really sure why, but that girl set me on edge whenever I had to talk to her. There was just something about her that I didn’t like. I felt anger bubble up inside me as I realized that Paninya had invited her to the party.
“Let’s see, it’ll be us, Sciezka, Winry, Edward-” Paninya began listing.
“Wait, you mean Edward Elric?” Rose interrupted.
“Yup” Paninya replied.
“Oh my god, Edward will be there?” one of the girl squealed.
“Oh my gosh, we’ll get to see him shirtless!” Rose added.
“Down girls down!” Paninya chuckled. “Seriously, you guys are crushing so hard on that pipsqueak.”
“Come on Paninya, you have to admit he’s cute!” Rose prompted. The sound of her voice was beginning to really tick me off, not to mention hearing these girls talk about Ed like that was enraging.
“Sorry Rose, but I don’t crush on guys who are that much shorter then me,” my friend laughed.
“But he’s a nice guy, he helps me out in science a lot” the unfamiliar girl said. “Not to mention hot.”
I had heard enough. I flushed then exited my stall, walking over to the sink, doing my best to ignore the group of girls. But then Paninya called me out.
“Hey Girlie! I didn’t know your were in here!” she called out. I smiled at her and nodded, but said nothing. As I was about to leave I was called out to again, this time by none other then Rose.
“Hey Winry, just a question, what do you think of Edward?”
I stopped dead in my tacks then turned.
“What do mean? Ed and I are just childhood friends.” I replied, hoping I sounded convincing.
“Oh really? Ok, just wondering, cuz you two are always together.”
At this I simply left and headed out to the bus.

By the time I got on the bus, most people were already there. Thankfully, Ed had saved me seat, so I made my way down the isle and sat down next to him.
“There you are. What took you so long?” Ed asked curiously. I sighed then turned to smile at him.
“Sorry, I had to use the bathroom” I said, totally skipping the awkward moments with Paninya, Rose, and that other girl.
Ed chuckled as the bus began to move. “You almost missed the bus.”
“Yeah well, I made it,” I sighed as I leaned back on the seat. I had a throbbing headache. I could feel Ed’s eyes on me, but I closed mine and pretended to not notice.
“Winry, is something up?” he asked. I could hear the slight worry in his voice and knowing that he cared about me made me want to just spill out everything that was on my mind to him. I wanted to tell him my feelings for him, and how Rose and that other girl had been talking about him, and how it made me mad just to listen to them. But of course, I didn’t. I couldn’t. No matter how hard I wanted to, I always felt something holding me back.
“Winry” Ed repeated. I opened my eyes and looked over at him.
“Huh?” I asked innocently.
“What happened? I can tell something’s up.”
Damn, this boy read me like an open book! I guess that’s what came from growing up together.
“It’s nothing really Edward, I just have a headache.”
He looked me over, obviously not buying it.
“Was it Roy again?”
“No Ed, it wasn’t. I’m ok really.”
Ed was silent for a moment then leaned back, sighing.
“You know you can tell if any thing's bothering you,” he sighed quietly. For some reason this little comment made me blush. I swallowed and tried to make myself stop blushing.
“I know,” I muttered as I looked down at my lap. Both of us were silent for the rest of the ride home.