The entrance (RP post)

(Male Kiilfe)

"Okay this rain freaking sucks!" I said as I was driving in a rental car that I was to the new town that I was going to live in. "It was so pretty back at home, I hope this place is still pretty without the rain or I'm gonna be upset." I pouted, sinking into the drivers seat of the car.

As I made a few more turns I saw the sign for town, "YAY, I made it!!" I perked up in the seat, clinching the wheel. "Oh where are those papers?" I reached over into the passenger seat and fumbled around in the small backpack in the seat looking for the papers that had a few addresses on them. "Oooooookay! Thats where I need to go." driving around, I found the house I was going to live in and parked the car.

"Aaaaw, this is such a cute place actually!" I chirped, grabbing all of my stuff out of the car and putting them into my small home. "I should probably call those people to get the car, cuuuuuz I don't need it anymore." speaking to myself as I heaved a large box into the house.
"Wuaaaaaaagh, why do I have so many clothes!?" shouting as I opened all of the boxes and bags that had my clothes in them. "Oh man, how should I sort these?" I paused with my hands on my hips, "Oh well, I'll do it later!" strutting out of the bedroom I went to the kitchen grabbing my small bag and umbrella and went out side. "Lets go to the library to look some stuff up." opening my umbrella I head in an unknown area due to the fact that I had no idea where to go.

(After some time of walking and getting lost)

"Finally! Found it!" I bounced, heading to the door of the library and closing my umbrella. I opened the door to the small of books, carpet and the sound of a small bell.

"Oh, H-hello." a feint voice was heard and a Furret boy came into view from behind the front desk. "May I help you?" he asked.

"Yes yes please!" I smiled at him and walked over to the desk, placing my umbrella in the bin so I didnt have to hold it and drip water everywhere. "I'm new here, can you help me find some places?" I asked, leaning over the desk and handing the boy my papers.

"I'll gladly help you." He smiled and looked at my papers. "I was actually about to go on my lunch break. So I can show you around, if you dont mind." he said in a small little voice.

"Thank you sweetie! That would be so helpful!" I leaned on the desk, chest to the counter trying to hug the furret boy.

"U-uh, then let me go get my coat p-please." He shied away a little and got up from the chair.

"Wuaaah, I wanted to hug him..." pouting, I rested my head on the desk top. "Oh well." I said and stood up getting my umbrella and waiting by the door.

"Ready?" the boy came back out, putting on his large coat.

"Yes sir!" I smiled and walked out in front of him and waiting for the boy to lock the library up. "By the way darling, whats your name?"

"Finian, but you can call me fin." He looked over at me and spoke softly.

"Hi Fin, I'm Kiilfe and you can call me anything you want." I said embracing Fin in a hug.

"H-hi Kiilfe." He blushed and hugged me back.

"I hope we can be good friends!" I cheered, nuzzling my cheek on his.

My post is done :D
Im going to post at the top of my posts what gender Kiilfe will be in the post, so if you guys want, Just assume thats what Kiilfe's gender is for your post and use those pronouns until I state other wise in a new post or if you contact me and ask :3
