Revenge of Noir Mask

Chapter 2: “I Don’t Care Anymore”

After the funeral of Alex Dantes had ended, Ash and the others had decided to stay at the Flare estate for a few days. During the group’s second day at the estate, Misty had gone back to the sitting room to look at the picture of Lisa and Marie from the day Lisa began her journey. Something about the story of Lisa and Marie’s relationship had been nagging at Misty. She kept thinking that perhaps there had been something more between Lisa and Marie than just friendship. Of course Misty didn’t know anything for sure and she knew that it was really none of her business, but she couldn’t help but wonder.

“You see quite interested that picture.” A voice commented, startling Misty. Misty turned to see Desmond standing behind her. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“Oh, it’s fine Mr. Flare.” Misty told him.

“So what about that picture has you so interested?” Desmond asked.

“Well, back when I first met Lisa, we were talking and she told me that she regretted not telling someone how she really felt about them when she had the chance.” Misty explained. “At the time I thought she was talking about the friend who died before she went to Johto. But now that I’ve learned that this friend was Marie… I mean there’s nothing wrong with it of course, but I have to ask… did Lisa see Marie as more than just a friend?”

“It seems that I’m not the only one to notice.” Desmond sighed as he sat down in an available chair. “At the time my fatherly intuition told me that there might have been something more to Lisa and Marie’s relationship. On the surface it seemed like innocent friendship, and in the beginning I’m sure it was. But over time it seemed like it was developing into something more. I’m ashamed to admit that I did not approve of such a relationship, and a part of me was relieved when Lisa went on her journey to become a Pokemon Trainer and left Marie behind.

“I confess that my disapproval was a strong motivating factor in helping Andre to convince Lisa to aid the police in apprehending Marie. It of course hurt Lisa to do it, but I felt it was for the best, as did Andre. But when Marie died my daughter changed forever. I can see how miserable she still is. And by thunder, I’d give anything to go back in time and change the past if only to see Lisa happy again.”

“Mr. Flare, there’s no way you could’ve known things would turn out this way.” Misty pointed out.

“True.” Desmond agreed. “But it does not change the fact that I was a foolish man then…. I can’t help but feel in some way responsible for Lisa’s unhappiness.”

“I think I’ll go have a talk with Lisa.” Misty suggested.

“Yes, and I think I should get back to some paperwork I’ve been neglecting.” Desmond said as he got up from his chair. “If you’ll excuse me.”

With that, Desmond left the room while Misty went off to go find Lisa. After checking Lisa’s room and finding that she wasn’t there, Misty began searching the mansion. Though she did not find Lisa, Misty did find Ash out on a deck overlooking the ocean hanging out with Pikachu and Lucario.

“Oh hey.” Ash said to Misty after noticing her arrival.

“Hey.” Misty greeted back as she joined Ash. “Have you seen Lisa? I wanted to talk to her about something.”

“I think she went out for a walk.” Ash told her. “It looked like she wanted to clear her head.”

“This trip’s been rough on her.” Misty pointed out.

“Yeah, it seems like it’s brought back a lot of bad memories for her.” Ash agreed.

“There you guys are!” Bolt said as he suddenly joined the two on the deck. “I wanted to let you guys know that I ran into Andre while I was helping to set up for my band, and he invited me on a trip on his yacht tomorrow. He said you guys were welcome to tag along.”

“Wow, that sounds like a blast!” Misty exclaimed.

“You can count me out.” Ash told them. “I can’t stand that guy.”

“Oh Ash, you’re just jealous because Andre kissed me on the hand.” Misty teased.

“It’s true that I didn’t like seeing that.” Ash admitted. “But the bottom line is I just don’t trust Andre. He reminds me of that bastard.”

“You mean Cyrus, don’t you?” Misty realized.

“…I think I’ll go for a walk.” Ash suddenly said. “If I see Lisa, I’ll tell her you’re looking for her.”

With that, Ash stormed off with Pikachu and Lucario following close behind. Misty sighed and slapped herself on the forehead.

“Damnit, I shouldn’t it brought it up.” Misty cursed to herself.

“What the heck was that about?” a confused Bolt asked. “Who’s Cyrus?”

“Cyrus was the leader of Team Galactic back in Sinnoh.” Misty explained.

“Oh yeah, I’ve heard of those guys.” Bolt informed her. “Aren’t they some kind of benevolent corporation or something now?”

“I wouldn’t know anything about that, but about nine years ago Ash and I ran into some real trouble with Cyrus and Team Galactic.” Misty continued. “It was the worst mess we had ever gotten into, and Ash was never the same afterward. He stopped traveling and spent two years in Johto training to become an Aura Master.”

“Wow, I had no idea.” Bolt said with a look of amazement. “So why does Andre remind Ash of this Cyrus dude?”

“Maybe because back then Cyrus was very well liked and respected in Sinnoh.” Misty explained. “No one knew that he was really the head of Team Galactic, that he was really a monster. I think it’s because Andre is so charming that Ash doesn’t trust him.”

“Yeah, well I think Ash is way off on this one.” Bolt told her. “Andre’s a terrific guy.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Misty somewhat agreed, though she began to wonder if Ash was onto something.

* * *

Meanwhile in another part of the city, Giovanni, Marie, and six Team Rocket grunts had arrived at the main office building of the Dantes Corporation. As soon as they entered the building Andre greeted them in a light-blue suit and a pink tie. It was taking all of Marie’s restraint not to send out one of her Pokemon and attack Andre right then and there.

“Ah Giovanni my friend, so good of you to come!” Andre greeted as he walked over to the group. “I assume you brought the item I requested.”

“It’s right here.” Giovanni said as he held up a large silver briefcase. “So what is this interesting proposal of yours?”

“In good time my friend.” Andre told him. “First we should move to a more secure meeting place I have set up.”

Suddenly Andre noticed Marie and walked over to her. Marie became very nervous that Andre would know who she was. Though Lisa had never been able to see past the mask, so Marie figured that Andre wouldn’t be able to either.

“Say Giovanni, who is this girl you brought with you?” Andre asked.

“That is Noir Mask, one of my best agents.” Giovanni answered. “She’s here to act as my bodyguard.”

Andre began stroking his chine as he continued to look at Marie. Marie was becoming more and more nervous as Andre examined her. It seemed as if Andre was trying to figure out who she was.

“Well I do like the mask, but the cape and the feathered hat are a bit much.” Andre commented. “Now then, I have a meeting room set up in the basement all ready for us.”

“Then let’s proceed there.” Giovanni suggested.

Marie sighed heavily as Andre began leading the group to the elevator. She thought that Andre had recognized her when in reality he was just critiquing her costume. Marie had forgotten how obsessed Andre was with fashion. After a short elevator ride down Andre led the group down a short hall and opened up a large dimly lit boardroom with a large monitor on the wall and a large glass table. Both Marie and Giovanni were surprised to find people already waiting in the room.

Standing against the left wall with their hands behind their backs were three men and three women wearing blue and white striped shirts, blue pants, and blue bandannas on their heads, each with a with skull and cross bones symbol on the front. Their costumes gave them the appearance of pirates. Also sitting on the left side of the table was a rather muscular man with a black beard wearing a blue bandanna on his head like the people standing by the wall and a black jumpsuit. The jumpsuit was unzipped near the top to not only reveal part of his chest but to also show he was wearing a gold chain around his neck. Sitting next to this man was a woman with long curly red hair wearing an outfit similar to those standing at the wall but with a blue vest.

“What is the meaning of this?” Giovanni angrily demanded. “Why on earth is Team Aqua here?”

“Now, now, relax Giovanni. I invited them.” Andre told him. “The gentleman at the table by the way is Archie, the leader of Team Aqua. And the lady with him is one of his commanders, Shelly.”

“When we agreed to meet you Andre, you said nothing about bringing Team Rocket!” Archie cut in. “We have no business with the likes of thieves like them!”

“And we have no business with the likes of environmental extremists like Team Aqua!” Giovanni shot back.

“Gentlemen, please calm yourselves.” Andre told them. “Believe it or not my little business proposition will benefit all of us. Now if you’ll please sit down I’ll explain why I brought all of you here today.”

After a moment Giovanni grudgingly took a seat at the table across from Archie. Marie took the seat across from Shelly, while the six Team Rocket grunts stood against the opposite wall to face the grunts from Team Aqua. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife as Andre took his seat at the table.

“Now then,” Andre began as he sat down, “I’d like to start by thanking you all for coming. As many of you know, the Dantes Corporation is the leading developer of technology for undersea exploration. And recently we’ve been perfecting technology for creating whole underwater colonies. My late father and uncle started this company in the hopes of one day finding the so-called ‘Prince of the Sea’. But my ambitions are much higher. My goal is to not only bring the world into the future, but to get rich doing it. And to do that I plan to use the power of the Legendary Pokemon, Kyogre.”

“What do you plan to achieve with Kyogre’s power?” Archie demanded to know.

“The same goal as you, to expand the ocean and change the world.” Andre explained. “It’s quite simple really. By expanding the ocean I would not only create more homes for aquatic Pokemon, which is what Team Aqua desires, but I would be destroying quite a few homes. Whole towns and cities will be drowned underwater. Which is where my company steps in to provide new homes in the form of undersea colonies. And if Team Rocket agrees to become partners with my company, they will receive a tidy profit.

“So in the end, I not only become richer but will be hailed as a hero for providing new homes, Team Rocket will be able to make more money, and Team Aqua’s dream for a new world will be fulfilled. Every body wins. Well, except for those not lucky enough to survive the flood, but sacrifices must be made.”

“A rather… interesting plan.” Giovanni told Andre. “But how do you suggest we even obtain Kyogre?”

“Ah, but Team Aqua already has Kyogre in their possession.” Andre revealed. “It is currently inside a ship docked at Lilycove harbor. I’ve seen the great Pokemon for myself.”

“We may have Kyogre, but we can’t control it.” Shelly pointed out. “Right now it’s in a dormant state, and nothing we’ve done so far has been able to awaken it.”

“Yes, but you could with the Blue Orb.” Andre reminded her.

“You forget Andre that not only don’t we have the Blue Orb, but it’s said to drive those who wield it insane.” Archie cut in.

“True, but Giovanni and our friends from Team Rocket have brought with them technology that will safely allow us to use the power of the orb.” Andre revealed. “And as for the Blue Orb itself, that is safely in my possession. Together we have everything we need to reshape the world. Now all we need to do is agree to work together.”

As Giovanni and Archie began to contemplate Andre’s offer, Marie adjusted the clasp of her cape. The clasp was a small gold piece with a tiny black gemstone in the center.

“You certainly have an ambitious plan.” Marie suddenly commented. “And you even have the Blue Orb. That must’ve been difficult to get.”

“Not as difficult as you might think.” Andre said with false modesty. “Actually I had stolen the orb once before, where it served another very useful purpose.”

“And just what brilliant plan did you use it for?” Marie asked. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Not at all my dear.” Andre replied with an arrogant smirk. “To answer your question I used the orb to frame my younger cousin for theft. It was easy enough for me to steal it from the museum, and easy enough to plant it in my cousin’s room. Then all I had to do was bribe a few witnesses and members of the police force, and she was found guilty. I even bribed the judge to send her to some far off desert prison where she’d be safely out of the way.”

“Rather excessive.” Giovanni commented. “Though I admit it is ingenious.”

“Well it was all so I could get my uncle to disinherit the little brat and get me one step closer to gaining the company.” Andre bragged. “And it worked out even better than I had planed, because my cousin died in that hell hole. Something about an accident, I don’t remember the details. But it really helped my efforts to send my uncle to an early grave.”

“…What do you mean?” Marie asked as she suddenly got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“Well, it’s publicly known that my uncle had taken ill for many years.” Andre began. “But what isn’t known is that it’s because I’d been slowly poisoning him over the years. And now that he’s finally dead I can carry out my master plan, with the cooperation of Team Rocket and Team Aqua of course.”

Marie could not believe what she had just heard. Not only had her cousin, the man she hated most in the world, admit to framing her for a crime she didn’t commit, but had also admitted to murdering her father. Marie had heard enough. She had seen enough. She had had enough.

“You monster!” Marie cried in a low hate-filled voice as she suddenly stood up from her chair. “I’ll make you pay!”

With that, Marie sent out Darkrai. The sudden appearance of the shadowy Pokemon startled everyone in the room, especially Giovanni.

“Darkrai? How did you…?” Giovanni began to ask, but suddenly a realization hit him. “All those years ago when I had found you… you had…!”

“Experience my hell!” Marie shouted, cutting Giovanni off. “Dark Void!”

With incredible speed, Darkrai raised its arms and formed a ball of black energy between its hands. The ball split apart and hit Giovanni, Archie, Shelly, and the Rocket and Aqua grunt, sending them into a dark sleep where they immediately began to have nightmares. Andre, however, managed to avoid the attack by ducking under the desk. With surprising speed, Andre grabbed the case that Giovanni had brought and ran out a door on the right side of the room that led to a staircase.

“Go ahead and run cousin.” Marie said coldly. “You’ll only suffer even more in the end.”

Marie and Darkrai then began to follow after Andre up the stairs. As she left, Marie knew that her life as a member of Team Rocket was finished and she had nowhere else to go. But she didn’t care anymore about that. All Marie cared about at that moment was her revenge. First she would get Andre, then she would make Lisa pay for what she did to her. Vengeance was finally in her reach.