Welcome to Pokemon Cupboard, a world for fans of all things Pokemon!

This is a world where I’ll be posting various things about the Pokemon franchise. Here I plan to talk about some of my favorite Pokemon, favorite locations in the games, perhaps reminisce about playing the games or my favorite episodes of the anime, and maybe much more.

About Me

I got into Pokemon during the mid to late nineties. At first didn’t want anything to do with Pokemon. Back then it was part of my nature to rebel against all things popular. But my opinion about Pokemon changed significantly after seeing the first four or five episodes of the anime. I got into the series and soon wanted to play the games. That Christmas I believe I had received a Gamboy Color and the Blue version of the Pokemon game.

Eventually I also played the Red and Yellow versions, mostly to see how they differed from Blue. I played the games that followed up until Ruby and Sapphire. At that point the anime had started to go downhill. I really didn’t like it when they replaced Misty with that girl May and her annoying little brother Max (god how I loath him). The games started to lose their appeal too. I didn’t like how Ruby and Sapphire didn’t have a lot of the Pokemon from previous games. Of course at the time I didn’t realize that they were going to do remakes of the first generation games.

Still, by that point I was no longer as into Pokemon as I once was. My focus had turned more to Yu-Gi-Oh! and other things. But I still keep tabs on the Pokemon franchise. I think that the anime is a lost cause, but I have read about the newer games, some of which actually look pretty good. I’m also currently working on a Pokemon Fan Fiction project. So in short I’m basically an old-school Pokemon fan.

Guest Posters

My interest in Pokemon ebbs every now and then. So to make things more fun and keep this world alive, I’m going to allow other Pokemon fans here on TheO to post things here. So like me you could post things about your favorite Pokemon or talk about your favorite anime episodes. But you can do so much more too.

  • If you play the games, you could use this world as sort of a journal and share your adventure with everyone. It doesn’t have to be the mainstream Pokemon games either; it could be Pokemon Conquest or one of the consol games.
  • Another use for this world could be to post Pokemon fanfics you may have created. Or perhaps share the profiles of your Pokemon OCs (if you have any).
  • Maybe you have some big Pokemon related art project you want to share. You could use this world to chronicle its creation.

You could do all that and much, much more. As long as it has to do with Pokemon, the sky’s the limit. So if you’re interested in becoming a guest poster, or maybe just have a few questions, please contact me via comment or PM and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Current Guest Posters

umchan649 * dfdfdfdf * xXShayde WolfXx * Ikemarth * Ritsuki * elricbrothersfan

Never Ending Journey

With X and Y coming out worldwide in a matter of months, there is of course going to be an extension to the Pokemon anime set in the region where the X and Y games take place. And according to a both disappointing yet unsurprising news story on the Anime News Network website, Ash and his Pikachu are going to return yet again as the show's protagonists. You know, I had hoped that after five generations of games and even longer seasons of the anime that they'd finally retire Ash's character and replace him with someone fresh. Because face it, Ash has pretty much become the pitiful shadow of the character he once was. But oh well. I guess the anime producers aren't capable of original thinking.

Pokemon Bird Watch: Swellow

Get out your bird books, because it’s once again time for Pokemon Bird Watch. For the last few posts in this series I’ve pretty much stayed in the first two generations of the Pokemon franchise, with the exception of Honchkrow. So fo...

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Pokemon Bird Watch: Pidgeot

Grab your binoculars, because it’s time once again for another edition of Pokemon Bird Watch. For this week I’ll be covering another common yet powerful line of birds from Generation One. Presenting Pidgey, Pidgeotto, and Pidgeot....

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Pokemon Bird Watch: Fearow

Sorry for not doing one of these posts last week. Last week I decided to take a little vacation from some of my writing. But I’m back now, and I’m picking up right where I left off. So in the last post I covered Farfetch’d, th...

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Pokemon Bird Watch: Farfetch'd

We now come to another edition of Pokemon Bird Watch. And for this week’s post I’ve decided to cover one of the stranger birds of the original games. Presenting the odd duck of Generation One, Farfetch’d. ...

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