Alright as you can see this is for poetry. i enjoy writing poetry, reading poetry, i even think of it as my native language. so i will continue to post my poetry here, in the hope that some understand me.

I don't really expect much feedback on my poetry, but i am always open for conversation, and will listen to what you have to say.

i will continue to update when ever i feel poetic.

i hope you enjoy this unique view of my thoughts, and soul.

Defined as...

What Are You

You are the sinister shadow of a man who never had one,
The talons of an eagle that snatch up any prey,
A smile on a storm cloud as lightning strikes,
You are the whisper in the wind that teases and taunts,
You are the horror in every night mare, yet,
You are the only moon to light a starless night,

You are the blistering sun in a summer day,
You are the pain of glass when broken to skin,
You are the eyes that see all when all is blind,
You are the torture of war for families left behind,
You are the cold that sends a shiver down any spine,
Yet, You are the only one who can save me and the only
One left I wish to hold

( this poem was inspired by random thought, and bares little
connection to my life in any way.)


The Storms Lament

No one can see me
I feel as nothing,
Screaming to be heard
My voice is a howling wind,
I cry for there is no
Answer, my tears disterb
The water below and i fill
With darkness, in my hatered
I lash out in blasts of
Light and anger, followed
By a wail of lonely pain,
I spin and turn in hopes
Of being seen, I sit in
Silence ashamed for
what I have done and
Stay still through the
Morn afraid to be seen

( this poem was inspired by the thought that a storm may have feelings,
it later inspired the ship that Sabriela now uses on her over sea travels.)



My day begins as my eyes close
Anexcitment here no one knows,
Sometimes comes but always goes,
Here I lay my eyes wide hoping to
Extend a wild ride, dismissed by the
Sun and sudden sound a dismal day
Usually found
My day begins as my eyes close
My life in nightly coma, I am a fool
So let it begin

My day begins as I
Close my eyes nothing there
No supprise

(this poem was for my art class, and were the object of a dream circle.)