The Gates


I went back to the gates, a few kids stood there too, looking at the pokéballs that held their partners within. I sat down on the grass to examine the pokéball, it shined in the sunlight. A fuzzy feeling came over me and I smiled. This is going to be an adventure I’ll never forget.

Waiting patiently at the gates for about a half hour, more people suddenly started to come to them.

“(The bells going to go off soon…)” I thought.

Suddenly a girl bolted out of the forest and started to run for the gate. Out of breath, as she approached near me, she fell to her knees, hugging the pokéball tightly and squeed.

After a while more people poured in waiting at the gates,


The bell went off, and the dressed man continued up on the platform carefully and progressed to the microphone.

“Congratulations new trainers!” He exclaimed, “You have all caught your first Pokémon. To open your Pokéball just click the middle circle.”

He continued talking, I already knew the rules so I thought it wasn’t really worth it listening to him. I was at the back of the crowd, so I couldn’t really hear him anyways. Our General was still atop on the platform staring at what it looks like, me. He honestly scared me, so I couldn’t really pay attention to the guy blabbering off either.

Just then a girl ran up from behind trying to catch her breath.

“Did I miss something?” She asked.

I looked at her, she seemed young and had brown eyes and lime green hair, which I thought was strange, “Not really. I’m actually not paying attention to him…”

She laughed, “Well if your not listening then you probably missed something important, blockhead!” She laughed again and made through the crowd.

That was strange, yet a bit impudent,

“(I’m a… Blockhead…?)” I thought bewildered.

After a half an hour of blabbering, I started to get sleepy, even though I tried to listen, it did not last long enough. Suddenly the gates opened creaking,

“As you get inside, you will all be organized into groups. We will continue the process once you get inside.” The suited man explained.

“(Oh boy)” I thought to myself.

Sorry it took super long… :(
