Walker family....O.o

I found this pic when doing a serch on Photobucket. Then I decide to type "Walker family" In google and then I found the site it beloned to. Heres the link(yes I'm giving you the link)http://www.arigatomina.com/downloads/djs/dgrayman/index.html
Now, Onto the main question: How did Allen and Kanda have kids?!
1: Kanda is actually a girl
2: Allen is actually a girl (well, he is adoreable...)
3: They break the laws of genenetic make-up
4: Someone else had the kids (but how would they look like Allen + Kanda?)
5: Allen had a kid with someone (He's only 15! shame on me!) And Kanda had a kid with someone too (Nah, Kanda's too cold)
6: I just stop being a stick-in-the-mud and let the yaoi fans have their happiness at Yullen.
Yeah, I prefer number 6! Respect to the Yaoi fans! and the Yuri Fans!
Anyway, sorry about this!
