maybe i...

need a new icon?

that's right! i need a new icon!

wow~ i've been inactive.

Well not really inactive. I was still lurking around the site, but not commenting on stuff.... and not posting xD

Yeah~ Been busy. Last week of school then summer! But the busiest though *foof*

Oh and last week~ we had our student council election and I am now a student council lol. yes, i won the elections xD I wonder why they voted for me lol.

I'll submit more of my trash art sometime next next week or if not this March, sometime this April. lol, i'm busy this march. I need to do some stuff. Also because I need to make a script of something lol. I'm a VJ for an event this coming march 21. Then I'd have to make another script just to prepare if our teacher chose me as the host for our Honors' assembly on the 31st. lol, she said that I'll just need to prepare. Hoho~

Have a great day everyone!
