Well I'm not sure how you use a World but
I thought of making one because It looked like fun and it's cute to use I guess ^^;
So you guys wonder how I look Right?
So here is a Pic of me ^_^ ♥

So here is a lil about me like some info
My name is Iris and I’m 17 years old. I’m in love with pikachus Ever since Pokemon came out.
My favorite colors is Rainbow since it’s the meaning of my name. I’m also a Coca Cola addict, I can’t stand a day without it. I’m a in Relationship since 12/09/10.
I’m totally in love with My guy so Don’t think of getting this Girl ^.~
I’m a young artist, My dream is to be a comic Artist like the Amazing Stan Lee and The Famous Mangaka Tibe Kubo (bleach)
If you like to see my drawing go to my Portfolio at TheOtaku
Or Check me out at deviant art http://louis-wannabe.deviantart.com/
If you like Socialize with me just go to my Facebook/Twitter/Myspace
You must sent me a lil message telling me your from Theotaku and your user name
Face book http://www.facebook.com/IAmPikamama
Twitter http://twitter.com/#!/IAmPikamama/
Remember don’t be scare to talk to me, I love meeting new people


I got bored so I want to take a nice photography, Of my Pikachu ♥
So Here is My key chains you can say ^^;
Hope you guys like it :D

~.:Pikachu Domo:.~

Well I wanted to take a pic of my one of my Pikachus and one of my Domos
Got inspirited by this pic a person did http://cdn2.mixrmedia.com/wp-uploads/girlybubble/blog/2011/04/pikachu_and_domo-plushies-400x300.jpg
I’ll be taking even more Pics of my Plushies and anime stuff ^.~

~.:The Three Karate Domos:.~

Yay I got me some three Domos in one week 8D
1.) tHe red one, Me and My Older Sis bought
2.) the Black one was given in the same day Me and My older Sis got the Red one XD, My Boyfreind got it for me ♥
3.) The white one Me and my Older Sis got it again on wedesday 8D
All I got to say it's just a coolio week for now

My Pikachu Sidebag

Hahaha I found the pics I took of my pikachu Sidebag ♥♥♥
This was given by a Freind of mines My Mario Buddy XD hhaha He is obess with mario like I'm obess with Pikachus

~.:My New Collection:.~

So I got myself a new Pikachu in my family ♥

It's a Pikachu Packback
I just love it so much !!!!
I also have a Pikachu sidebag too ♥♥♥♥♥
I just wanted to inform the info 8D