Takumi From Nana is...AWESOMELY Evillllll!!!

Now then folks if you've read or watched Nana you know Takumi isn't the greatest character in the world but for some reason or another (if even in secret) you like him! DON'T TRY TO DENY IT!!

He's the person of the story that you love to Hate! So for this challenge I would like a wallpaper that shows Takumi in his awesomeness the way you love to HATE him! From the Way he treats Nana to the way he treats others. He can even be bad, he can be taught a lesson, you can depict him as a fallen angel.If you see fit he could even be the bad man downstairs!!! (oooohhhh) It can be bloody, you can shame him, or if you don't like any of those then you can get creative and show me what you got!! So give it your all and give me something good!!

Winners will be chosen accordingly: I want creativity, and you CAN take it too far (just as long as we keep in step with the Otaku rating of PG13) Handle this challenge the way you want and have fun with it!

And if you are wondering, for all you diviants out there, (I know who you are!!!!)
Yaoi is acceptable!!

(Best alien voice) THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.

You've got three months.
