To Die For: I'm Glad I Didn't Know

Asha decided that going for a walk was the best way to get over the feeling of loosing her mind. She blankly walked along the pathway until she came to the fork in the road. There she broke down and cried.
"I didn't mean to do it. This wasn't my fault I said stop it!!" She cried out in agony. She stood walking slowly to the left deciding that this was the path for her to take. Everything in her life was spiraling out of control rapidly. There was no one but her now. She was alone. After a couple of hours of walking everything went dark right before her eyes. A smile crossed her face and her pace began to quicken; in fact she smiled all the way to the river's edge. She'd heard the stream from the left path at the fork, a reason she took this path in the first place. At the edge she stopped short, peered down into the bluish waters rushing against the rocks farther out. Her smiled widened to a grin bearing yellowish/black teeth then, without hesitation, she jumped into the waters washing away all the pain and the bad things she'd ever faced in life. Just three days before she'd killed everyone in her family except for her four month old baby brother Saeka. He'd been lying in his crib sound asleep as Asha stole into the night; drowning herself in the river behind an old barn. As his grandmother told ten year old Saeka of his past and why his mother father, and sister weren't alive all he could say in the end were these cold words; innocent, yet chilling getting even the most simple-minded person to understand.
"I'm glad I didn't know...Asha. I'm perfectly happy she forgot me. I'm glad I didn't know her."
