
*majestic music* Hello, dear subscribers. My name is Lanth Magnes and I am...
*music builds* The Phantom Pheonix!
*majestic music dies* Well, maybe not.

I`m just your unaverage homo sapien trying to escape life. Well, here, I`ll be writing posts about the life that I am trying to escape. Read, comment, whatever. I probably won`t be paying attention, anyway. If I get enough subscribers, I may open a guest post only world for those of you who like to take up unnescessary space.

Note: When I RP, I tend to use a lot of action phrases and at times can get touchy-feely. Take no offense to this. It is because I cannot see what you are doing or phisically touch you. In person, I am not like this. I don`t move very much unless I have to and I don`t interact with all of my senses. The sense of touch is the easiest for me to discribe.
