Gnomes like apples

I haven't posted in like a week, so I decided it was definately time to post again. I love posting, reading your comments is so much fun. Just one month of school left! Three weeks or so till finals...which is scary..but summer I should have lots of time, unless I end up getting a job. It's hard to get a job @ 15.

I reall haven't gotten much accomplished, except for another amv, which is at the bottom of this post...I feel bad, but school just sucks away all my time, along with driving, school drama, etc...

And btw, I'm not a good driver. But practice makes perfect right!

Random Holiday Fact: Today is Oak Apple Day in the United Kingdom.

About the title: I have a weird obsession with gnomes, and then the whole apple thing...

1. Do you like apples? If so, red or green? (I like red)
2. Are you a night person or morning person (I am night)
