2 more days...

Hi everyone! My birthday is on Saturday, as many of you know, lol, and to say I'm excited would be a serious understatement. I'm having a party, and although it's kinda stressful working out everything, I'm sure it will pay off in the end. And hopefully it will be a good chance to get lots of manga!

And the good news is hopefully my grades are going better (they've been giving me a lot of stress). I did decent on my history test, and I'm going to make sure to study well ahead of time on science. I don't want to get grounded from the computer.

So, you may all remember ShojoWorld.com. And I do have plans for it! KewbladeMewKasa sparked a good idea I have to kind of promote it, and I may have found a beautiful picture I want to use on the layout. The only question is...when do I have time??? I'm also working on re-writing Kawasaki Academy, and I'm glad I decided to do it. I think it's turning out a lot better. I'll have the first chapter soon, for those who remember or are interested.

1. How do you usually purchase your manga? (Online, Borders, Barnes and Nobles, etc.)
2. (random): Do you like gum? If so, what's your favorite kind? (lately I've been loving Stride)
