Another quick hello

Hello all! Unfortunately I don't have a laptop to use right now, I seem to have the worst luck with breaking and losing and etc. etc. But luckily I still have the main computer and my iPod! Which will be important this weekend when I go on choir tour, which I'm super excited about (I get to miss a day of school) but also very stressed homework wise. Plus, when I get back I have a mouth surgery on my gums, and I get to miss more school! But as much as I didn't want to admit it, I'm actually nervous. It may be a minor surgery..., but the word surgery is still in it. Is that lame? If anyone wants to pray for me I'd appreciate it! Anyway I have lots to do, so I'm off!

1. What do you think of the Ipad (I may try to get one till I can get a new laptop)?
2. Best movie you've seen lately?
