=^.^= Nya!

Hello everyone! I'm happy to be able to come to you and report things are great right now, after a long time of things...not being so great. Now I can focus on bringing my grades up (which isn't going to be easy), and Choir competition season. Next weekend is solo/ensemble, I'm singing Soprano 1 in a group of six, and we're not ready just yet but we'll get there.

In the internet world, things have been pretty quiet. I hate how hard it is to find time to record, tonight I'm hanging out with some people and in theory me and Itsuma might have time, but I was up kind of early (had a weird/bad dream), and I have church tommorow. So I just don't know. But it's very important to me I find time soon!

It's so weird to just be happy! But not EVERYTHING is perfect, I have yet to find a boyfriend! Been two years since I dated someone, although I suppose it's alright, gives me time to focus on other things. I just get a little lonely sometimes, with today being Winter Formal at my school (we don't get dances), and Valentines Day coming up.

1. Have any weekend plans?
2. What's the last song you listened to? (Me: Alice, Avril Lavigne's new song)
