
Wow. You guys are amazing! I hadn't posted in quite awhile, but I got a realy good number of comments. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it, I love hearing from friends. I was also happy to see a couple comments about thinking at looking up ShojoWorld/Shorant? It would totally make my day if you did.

Oh by the way, I recently made a live journal (click here for a link to my profile). It's a more personal blog, since I'm often more general in my posts here. I hope I meet some other TheOtakus on there! Also, if you ever want to IM, just let me know.

Like most of the world, this weekend is a three day weekend and I'm more than grateful, it's been a bit of a bad week, and all the internet time is helping to cheer me up! I'm working on a new amv (it's been a LONG time since I've uploaded one, cause I was having some software issues), and unfortunately me and Itsumademo can't record a Sho-Rant this week, but I will be releasing something.

So I'm very excited because my parents FINALLY agreed to let me go to New York City! Unfortunately my mom is super busy during my Spring Break, so we'll actually be going a little later in April, and I'll be missing a bit of school (2 days maybe). I can't wait, and will probably be posting about that alot, maybe even some pics (although you wouldnt really be able to see me in them, lol).

1. Any big three-day weekend plans?
2. Thinking about spring break yet?

P.S: Thank you for helping me reach 2,000 views!
