
I hate how I never seem to have time for this place! I just do so much different stuff online now, mainly my website/podcast, and it keeps me really busy, unlike when I first joined and this was my main thing. Hope you all don't hate me.

Christmas and New Years have passed since the last time I posted! How crazyyy is that? Christmas was alright, I don't have anything anime or internet-ish to report sadly that I got, it was mostly lots of gift cards and such, my main thing being a new Coach purse.

2010! Apparently a new decade...? Even though I would think that would be 2011..? Oh life's mysteries....

I'm home sick today, although it was really mostly yesterday I felt bad (we had a snow day). I'm hard at work at uploading Smilies to a ShojoWorld forum that should be opening soon! I've been watching a lot of old school Sailor Moon lately, when I should probably be watching things for the podcast...*hums innocently*

I really need to make a new wallpaper or something, all I've been making lately are site graphics and the like.

1. How has your holiday season been?
2. Had any snow?
