Old pumkins, Basement Cat, and Other Spooky Things

Hiya everyone! This is my first official post as 16...and you guys are way too nice. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for all the PMS, profile gifts, and cards that you sent me. A special thank you to RSRKingdomStars for the aweome picture she dedicated to me: CLICK HERE

My party went pretty well, there was drama but I'm used to it. I got LOTS of Borders giftcards, I ended up spending about 80 bucks when went to the mall the next day...and still had 8 dollars left over! I was happy. All of it went by way too fast, but that's alright.

Today is Halloween. I might be going trick-or-treating, but it's pretty cold here today, so if I do I need to plan accordinly. Me and Itsuma are FINALLY going to record again, and even if it will end up coming out a couple days late it will be Halloween-themed so that should be fun. I want to make sure I catch at least one of the Halloweentown movies, they've been my fav. since I was a kid.

And after this comes the prep for Christmas! I want to have a Christmas party, but after how stressed out my mom was about my bday one...I may wait to mention it until a little later. I go crazy for Christmas, as I'm sure many know, and we're getting nearer and nearer until Decemeber! And of course November brings Thanksgiving break...which is good and bad in some ways, since I have to go Winsconsin and cant be online 24/7.

Anyway...holiday ranting aside...Happy Halloween!

1. What are you doing for Halloween?
2. Fav. Halloween movie?
