Yes, I am aware I deserve to be eaten by llamas.

I'm so sorry guys! It's been way too long since I've posted. But I hope it makes up for it a little that I'm posting now...and trying to get caught up on everything? *silence* Ahhh yesh didn't think it would. School keeps me insanely busy, not to mention that even though I'm online alot I'm often doing podcast stuff or something of the like, although I have been posting some wallpapers lately. So please do not throw any violent fruits, this is a new shirt.

I'm awesome anyway, so I'm sure you're happy to hear from me.
Just kidding.

Fall's brought us some great new anime! Nyan Koi is all about cats, so if your an all-around neko lover like me you should check it out. Kobato, a new Clamp title (and Clamp of course PWNSSSS), is also out and the art is beautiful and the series looks super DUPER cute. So besides what I watch for the podcast, that's what I'm watching.

In regards to my real life, I'm busy getting ready for my Sweet Sixteen party next week. I'm super excited but also really nervous. A lot of my friends fight often and don't seem to fond of eachother, and I'm really hoping they can try to get along so everyone can have a good time. And of course bday means present, so hopefully some manga or some other anime-related things? Can't wait! I'm having a halloween-themed costume party and then will be going to a mall the next day to spend any money I get. I know, I'm just a splendid saver.

TWEEEETTT! I have a twitter with site updates and other stuff, ShojoWorld. If you have one be sure to follow me and I'll follow you back. Also, I have a Yahoo IM you can reach me at! [email protected]

I would love to get some PMs, I miss talking to people on here.

1. Today's Colombus day...did you care?
2. What do you think of Twitter?
