I kept saying I was going to post. I even started to type this post a couple times, but always got distracted by something. It seems that my attenion span has quite possibly shrunk down to that of a preschoolers.
*looks down ashamed*

Anyway, but I'm posting now!
Me and Itsuma have recorded a podcast! You can find us on Itunes by searching Sho-Rant (click on the feed that has the little picture Itsuma drew, the other one is wrong and I'm trying to delete it), or using a direct download found: HERE. It's basically all about shojo, but we have alot of fun while we do it. I'll posting an episode later today with MUCH better quality, that has kika on as a guest. We're still learning how everything works...but I'm hoping we can all get good quality mics ASAP!

If you end up listening and like what you hear, I would love for you take a moment and vote for us on podcast alley using THIS LINK.

Things at school are as busy and stressful as always, but the goodness it's getting closer to October which means birthday time! Speaking of which I've been horrible at keeping up with people's so sorry everyone! I feel like a bad person, it's just hard to get to everything I want/have to do in a day...but of course that is no excuse.

About the title: So I'm sitting in yearbook as I post this and decided to choose something random in the room to be the title. I ended up picking an Eagle poster that said "SOAR" just because I can.

1. Mac or PC? (I'd personally like to have a Mac someday, but I love my PC laptop just the same!)
2. Would you rather have your school start earlier and get our earlier...or start later and get out later?
