"Do you know the Dutch celebrate Christmas by throwing fruits at each other?"

Konichiwa! As you may have noticed, I have a new theme for my world. I like this one because it features a cat. And I haven't changed my theme in quite a long time, so I think it was well time for a change.

Ok, I can't not believe how little time there is to school! I know I've mentioned that almost non-stop, but it really scares me. I mean in some ways I like school, seeing friends, singing in choir, and this year Yearbook again, but I HAVE to do better w/ my grades this year so there's alot of pressure since my private school is very hard (which I was reminded of the hard way last year).

Well after many long hours I finished my amv (embedded at bottem). In the end, it really didn't turn out so great. I had lots of problems with software I was using, and in the end I feel it really hurt it. However, there were some effects I think look nice and my clip match was decent. I would appreciate it you take a moment to check it out!

Title: Obviously this is not true, I just heard it on Better Off Ted, a relatively new comdey on ABC I'm very fond of.

1. Waffles or pancakes?
2. Flipflops or sneakers?
