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So Harry Potter 6 epically pwned. I know they did change a few things, but in the end I feel it was the best yet. I've seen it twice.

I still have summer reading to do...sigh...I started one of the books "Friendly Persuasion", but I haven't even started the other two. I actually love reading, but if it's something that doesn't really intrest me I have a hard time getting through it. But I want my grades to be a little bit better this year, so I'll get working on them soon!

In the internet world, I'm working on a new amv (since the other one is gone ) and am about to finish another chapter in my story. I also need to get to work again on ShojoWorld, I've really been slacking off! It's just really hard to get all of the work done with only two people. *faint*

I've also started watching the series Azumanga Daioh, and bought the Air movie today. The guy at the checkout line started talking to me about anime. O.o It was kinda random, since he's way older then me, but yeah.

After re-reading this my life boring? lol.


1. Does your school assign summer work?
2. Heard any good music lately? (I've been listening to the band Basshunter).
